that green thing

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"If my calculation is correct, today he will come.", Taufan suddenly said as he plucked a leaf from a tree.

"Your shiny brother?", the Reverse asked him.

"No, the green one.", Taufan answered.

"Oh,the leaf one.",the Reverse hummed.

He didn't comment about Taufan's lies yesterday, he didn't ask about anything, and somehow it makes Taufan feels at ease.

"I thought you were preparing to bring the shiny boy first..", the Reverse said to Taufan.

Taufan block the ray of sunshine from shining directly to his sapphire eyes using his palm, "no, i'm scared of the consequences and the unknown probability if i change the order too much."

"The green boy, doesn't he have a close relationship with you?", Reverse asked Taufan. When he peeked throught Taufan's memory, he often saw them play together with Blaze.

"You can say so..", Taufan answered, his expression is unreadable.

The reverse got confused from  Taufan's unreadable response, "you are not close with him?"

"It's not like we are not close..,"

"It's just, sometimes i feel distant with them.", Taufan continued, he shows his helpless smile.

"Well,rather than talking about that, what do you think about my skill now, teacher?" , Taufan asked him.

It's already four months since that argument, and everything is already getting better.

His relationship with his brothers turned back into normal, unless with one person.

It's Ice.

After that conversation in the kitchen back then, they both pretended like there's nothing happened between them.

But still, Taufan felt more anxious that way, because Ice acted like his usual self. He didn't do anything or say anything about that.

"You are still lacking.", the Reverse said harshly.

Taufan pretended to feel hurt, "you are being too honest."

"But, you improved. That weekly sparring with your brothers is really helpful.", The Reverse assured him, Taufan can hear some gentleness in his voice.

"Don't you think there's a lot of things that changed already?",Taufan asked him as he stare at the clear blue sky.

"The me from back then will never be able to have this kind of conversation with you..", Taufan smiled, for some reason, that smile touched the Reverse's heart.

But, it feels hurt.

Why does it hurts?

Is it because he knew that in the end, this coward partner of him will die?

"Hey, Reverse, can i really change their fate?", Taufan asked him, his eyes filled with hope but also fear.
His smile looks slightly trembling.

"You have changed so many things right? I don't think it will be vain.", the Reverse answered.

At least i can comfort him.

Taufan chuckled, "yes, i also succesfully changed you."

If it's him from back then, he is sure that he will prick this shameless person.

But now, he can't, he didn't want too.

"The only thing that doesn't change is that stupid grin of yours.", The Reverse answered.

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