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When he was asleep, Taufan can feel a soothing feelings from the area that feel painful.

"Go rest.", the Reverse said to him with a grumpy voice.

Taufan is confused, "is this your doing?", Taufan asked him, the pain on his chest is decreasing.

"Shut up won't you? I tried to easen the pain.", the Reverse said to him with an annoyed voice.

Taufan feel so touched, "Thank you.."

"Shut up.", The Reverse said, Taufan can hear his embarassment.

Taufan smiled and do what he said.

Maybe taking a little rest is fine. He thought.
Taufan slowly open his eyes, his body feels better, he didn't know that the Reverse care about him this much.

When he opened his eyes, he found Hali who is still sitting as he furrowed his eyebrows, he still reading the book that he read before Taufan asleep.

"Still reading that book?", he asked Hali with a chuckle.

Hali's attention is now on him, "you woke up.."

"I don't understand how you can read this kind of books everyday, it's so boring and filled with nonsense.", Hali complained to him.

"Anyway, how is your feeling?", Hali asked him as he put his hand on Taufan's forehead.

Taufan gave him a grin, "much more better!" , he said with an energetic voice.

"You.. aren't lying right?", Hali asked him as he furrow his eyebrows.

Taufan shook his head, "nope, i really feels better."

"Good then.", Hali said, he sounds relieved.

"Anyway where is everyone?", Taufan asked him.

"In the main room.", Hali answered.

"I wanna see them.", Taufan said to Hali.

These days Taufan always feels the urge to see his brothers, to make sure that they are okay.

Hali nodded, "tell me if you feel dizzy."


The door opened automatically, revealing Hali and Taufan's figure.

"Taufan, you are awake? How do you feel?", Gempa asked him, he put down his book.

Taufan is a little bit surprised because of what he see right now.

Everyone is reading books.

Gempa and Ice read the similiar heavy books like what he used to read, and Thorn read an encyclopedia about plants, and Blaze read a picture book about how to control fire.

"How are you feeling?", Gempa asked him as he walk to him.

"Much more better!", Taufan said to Gempa with a reassuring smile.

Ice steal a glance at Taufan, Taufan realize it. His eyes is on him too. "I'm not lying.", Taufan said as he smiled.

Ice let out a soft chuckle, his eyes then focused on the book he read again.

Gempa smiled, "i'm glad, we were so worried.", he said to him as he let out a relieved sigh.

Taufan smiled, "sorry for making you worried."

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