what did i miss?

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"I'm fine..", Taufan said softly as he smiled.

But rather than feeling relieved, all of his brothers looks like they got more concerned.

Hali frowned, "don't lie. Don't hide anything.", he said to Taufan, his red eyes is filled with concern, his voice sounds worried.

Taufan stare at him and his other brothers, and even Ochobot, they all looks like they are worried so much.

Taufan chuckled, "..but, where is this?", Taufan asked them as he stare on the cave wall with a lot of crystals on it.

The crystal is no longer has blue color, it turned into the white clear crystal, just like what they found on the cave's mouth.

Solar wiped his visor that filled with his tears, "this is the crystal cave where that villain got sealed back then." , he explained to Taufan.

Taufan frowned, "..villain?"

There was a villain that got sealed here?

Why? Why did i feel that there's something i lost?

He feel a sudden pain inside his head, it feels like his head got pierced, his hand spontanously touched his head, he flinched because of the pain.

Something, something is disappearing..

But what?

"Ngh--", his head is getting even more painful when he used it to think about those things.

"Taufan? Taufan, are you okay?", Gempa asked with a worried voice as he shook Taufan's shoulder gently.

He can feel the fear that he always have,

The fear that something will go wrong again.

Ochobot quickly scanned Taufan's body, he is scared too..

Ochobot is slightly surprised after he scanned Taufan's body. He could feel that if he has a heart, it'll beating fast right now.

"Let's go back to the spaceship first.", Ochobot said as he stare on Gempa who is currently holding Taufan's shoulder.

Taufan is still dealing with the piercing pain inside his head, "i'm sorry that i make you guys worried..even thought it's our birthday today...", Taufan apologized with a helpless voice.

Ice stare at Taufan, he let out a little sigh as he frowned, "don't force yourself, Taufan."

"You are here, and it's the best birthday present for us" , Thorn said as he patted Taufan's shoulder. He helplessly smiled.

"so..,don't hide your pain, okay?", he said to Taufan as he gave Taufan his big grin, but behind that grin is the fear of losing one of his brother again.

Because he remember how Taufan used to hides everything.

Taufan's eyes got wider,

Thorn.. he has grown up.

"You looks like a real man now.", Taufan said as he chuckled.

Taufan stare at all of his brothers, they all looks more mature now.

A year, they said Taufan was asleep for a year..

There's a lot of things happened in a year for them.

Is it okay if just right after he come back, he feels like it's only his time that stopped.

It feels like he.. is left behind.

Taufan's heart sunk when he think about those negative things.

What are you thinking? They are so happy because you've returned, so why..

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