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"Hey, i traded my life for this, but you still don't want to teach me?", Taufan complained.

It's funny for him how fast he adapts with things. Last week he can't even look at his brothers on the eyes, but now he can playfully teases someone this dangerous.

His mood is getting better, it doesn't mean that he didn't feel anxious thought. It's just, he can easily hides it? Or bear with it?

And also he is already getting used with the sharp pain that used to torture his body. He can do all of his activity normally,even if Hali always stopped him to do chores whenever he saw him.

"It's your own problem.", the reverse answered.

"Oh! Now you answered to my questions more often, i'm touched.", he said brightfully.

The reverse let a little pain pricks Taufan's heart as an answer.

"Geez, you are always hurting me whenever you disagree with the things i said.", Taufan complained, it's still hurt. But now he can manage it.

Taufan continues to write something inside his diary, the secret diary that no one knew it exist except for him.

"Hey, Taufan!", an energetic voice shouted his name.

Taufan immediately close his diary and put it inside his desk. "Yes?", he answered with a big grin.

"Wanna play with me?", Blaze asked him excitedly.

" i think i-", his words got interrupted.

"Why do you stop playing with me?, did i do something wrong?", Blaze asked him with a dejected expression.

"No! Of course not!", Taufan immediately answered.

"Hmm, for a second thought.., i'll play with you. I miss playing with you..", Taufan said as he rises from his chair.

I shouldn't act suspiciously.

And honestly, i missed playing with him too.

Just like before, when everything still feels so simple.

They arrived at their new base camp, "aah, it's been a while..", Taufan exclaimed excitedly, he stretched his body.

Oh, this maybe a chance for me to practice?

"Hey,Blaze!", Taufan shouted Blaze's name as he ride his big typhoon.

"Whoa Taufan! I wan't to ride it too!", Blaze answered excitedly.

Taufan laughed as he ignores his younger brother's request, "you can't, this thing is special for me only."

Blaze could only jump to reach Taufan, but even his tallest jump can't reach Taufan.

"You are cheating!", Blaze complained, puffing his cheeks.

"Hey, i'm not!", Taufan answered as he let the typhoon slowly disappeared an return to the ground.

"You know, maybe in this simple play thing, i exceed you." , Taufan explained to him with a big grin.

"But in the battlefield, my power can only be used to run away." ,he said with a sad smile.

"I can't help you guys, i can't protect you.." , Taufan continues, his voice sounds like he is angry and upset about something.

"I can only be a burden and my power is useless.." , he smiled, but it's the sad one. He feel so hopeless.

Blaze didn't know what to say. He is never good at comforting someone. He looks nerveous because he wants to comfort Taufan, but he is afraid to hurt his feelings instead.

"Hey look..", Blaze said as he carefully chooses the words he wanted to say.

"..i don't know how to comfort you, but my honest opinion is, i disagree with you.", He said as he frowned his own eyebrows, conflicted.

Is this the right way to say it? Or did i do it wrongly? I'm never good with words.

That's why i only have a few friends, and one of them is you.

You are important. He really want to say that, but he has too much pride to do so.

"Ah, did i said something stupid? I'm sorry, i make you feel uncomfortable right?", Taufan realizes the things he blabbered out. He awkwardly smiled and put on his forced bright grin.

"No! Uhhh..", Blaze still can't form an encouraging words.

"Uh, Anyway! You are not a burden for me! Or for the others! And you are not weak! See? You can fly around with your typhoon and your hoverboard!", Blaze exclaimed.

Taufan feels a little surprised with Blaze's words. He chuckled.

"What?, did i said something funny?!", Blaze complained.

"No, it's the opposite. You said something important and it touched my heart." , Taufan said with a light smile. The different smile with the former one.

"Thank you, Blaze!", he let out a big grin as he pat Blaze's head.

Blaze is flustered, "uh- good then.", he said, not knowing what to say.

"To be honest, i'm scared to talk with the other people, you know..", Blaze declared suddenly.

Taufan sincerly listens to his words.

"a lot of them got hurt because of my words and behavior.., i'm afraid that you will feel that way too.", Blaze said with his sad looks.

Ah, Taufan realized something.

"I think you are amazing, you know?", Taufan said.

"You are honest and straight forward.", Taufan continues while staring at the sky above them.

"But, why people dislike me then?", Blaze asked him, confused and feel like he is wronged.

"That's because sometimes people didn't want our honest opinion. They only want to hear things that makes them happy.", Taufan answered.

"Human's ego is so strong after all..", he sighed.

Like ours.

Blaze don't really understand Taufan's words, but he feels relieved.

"Ah, i feel comfortable when i talk with you.", Blaze said to Taufan.

"Me too, feel free to talk with me anytime!" Taufan said to him as he pinch his cheeks playfully.

"My cutest younger brother.", Taufan said to him.

Sometimes he missed this time where there's still not a lot of them around.

It's not like he dislikes Thorn and Solar or anything.

But,it's just his ego.

His ego where he feel close with everyone.

Because gradually, Taufan will getting more and more far away from his brothers.

"Shhh, Taufan don't tell anyone okay?", Blaze asked him seriously.


"You are my favorite older brother too!" , Blaze said with his red cheeks, embarrassed.

Taufan is touched , "awww, i'm glad to hear that!" , he said as he rub Blaze's cheeks once more.

But when will you regret saying that, i wonder?

Because your favorite older brother here, is a mere coward who can't even protect you.

//Author's note //

Hello! Mid term is coming near so i think i won't update as fast as i could now. I've prepared the chapters for the next updates but i think i can't update everyday :(

But after mid exam ended i will update like usual :"

So sorry guys..

// After republish note //

Btw im getting tired of trying to fix the grammatical error, so yea just pretend theres nothing wrong in it and enjoy

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