the room is clean

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Hali opened the door of that room. Beside him is Ice who looks so lost.

They stare at each other. Seeing each other's sad face is only worsen the mood.

"I am so stupid, Right?", Hali asked Ice.

"I still wished that somehow he will be inside his room, hugging Mr.Shark and greeting me cheerfully like he always did.", he said to Ice.

Somehow he can't cry anymore.

Maybe because he already cried too much. But still, his heart is still aching.

It's more painful because he can't cry.

"I got that nightmare, maybe if i tried harder back then, this kind of thing won't happen..", he said, he clenched his fist.

Ice is still silent, he stare at Hali with the same expression, that usually cold expression is now turned into a fragile and painful expression.

"I got that nightmare too.", he said to Hali.

"....i'm so cruel to him back then..", he said to Hali.

"You know, he tried to protect us until the end.., in that nightmare, and now too.", Ice said.

"I confronted him back then.", Ice said to Hali.

He turned on the lamp inside that room that filled with navy blue stuffs.

His hand is brushing all the things he could touch in that room. The room looks clean and neat.

" are so eager of leaving..", Ice said, he touched the table in front of him.

There's no dust, it feels like Taufan already prepared for this.

He already cleaned the room because he know that maybe he won't be able to do so anymore.

"You even cleaned the's too neat, it doesn't suit you.", Ice said, he ignores Hali who is still standing near the door.

"", he said.

"Somehow it's still suit you.", Ice said, his tears fell again.

He hates that his emotion is taking over his rationality.

He hates that no matter how much he told himself that crying won't solve anything, all he can do is crying.

"You know Hali..", he said.

"When i confronted him back then, his reaction really surprises me.", Ice said as he recalled that time.

The Taufan who usually grinning brightly, he was so cold that day.

"In your nightmare, everything stopped after you died, right?", Ice asked him.

Hali furrowed his eyebrows, he tried to remember that nightmare.

He remember that he is so scared about this nightmare, he always tried to forget about it.

But somehow, after what happened today.

After what happened to Taufan..

It's not that scary anymore.

"..yes, i bid my farewell with him and..the nightmare stopped.", Hali said to Ice.

"Inside my nightmare, Taufan tried to protect us from the villain..", Ice explained.

"At least we should try to survive.", he continues.

"But, you know what we did?", he asked Hali, his eyes is locked with Hali's pair of red eyes.

"..we didn't listen to him. Not even Gempa." , Ice said, his smile looks so broken.

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