the battle

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"We are here.", Taufan said as he clenched his fist.

The dark, soul-less planet. the weather is humid and damp, there's no trace of life here and there's a lot of lands that floating above the planet.

Just after they set their feet on the ground, a loud trembling sound can be heard as the ground cracked a little by little.

Taufan's gaze got serious and cold when he heard that, he unconciously stretch his right hand to stop his brothers to walk forward.

"What is that?", Blaze asked them as he step back.

"He is here.", the Reverse said to Taufan.

Taufan nodded, he can feel that his hands is getting cold. No matter how prepared he was, he is still scared.

What if that tragedy repeated? What will happened if i failed?

"Relax, don't be panic.", The Reverse said to him, but his voice sounds tense for some reason.

"I checked it, and the villain's energy that got sealed by your power in those crystals is getting weaker." , The Reverse said.

He can know because he included his power to that crystal seal too.

"But he is still alive,right?", Taufan asked him.

The Reverse hummed, "unfortunately, yes."

Hali want to take a step forward, but then the ground is crumbling again.

A loud and crazy laughter echoed, the sound is enough to send chills throught their spine.

"..what is that?", Gempa asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

They feel so scared for some reason.

The laughing voice got closer and clearer.

A loud dragged steps approached them. behind that shadow, there's a big figure.

That figure looks scary, a lot of crystal fragments still pinned on his body.

"I was about to look for you, but you came by your own, what a nice prey.", That big figure said.

After seeing that Villain, Ice looks shocked, the same with Hali.


This is the same person who killed them in that nightmare.

Hali quickly took a glance on Taufan, that wind element is staring coldly at the villain in front of him.

He stare at him as if he already expected it. His blue eyes looks serious and piercing.

For some reason it only make him more anxious, he meet Ice's gaze. Hali and Ice share the same surprised and fearful gaze.

So that nightmare is true..

So how about Taufan? Did he get that nightmare too? , Hali thought.

Suddenly they could hear Taufan's laughter.

Everyone is surprised by his sudden laughter, what's wrong with him? There's a scary enemy in front of him but he laughed?

But Ice saw Taufan's trembling lips and hands, so he is scared too.

"Young brat, you dare to laugh at me?!", the Villain asked him.

Taufan's laughter is fading, "i'm sorry, you are just too scary..", he said.

It's the truth, but the villain won't buy it.

Taufan just felt frustrated, scared but found it funny for somw reason, it made him laugh.

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