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Solar,Ice, and Ochobot walked inside the cave together.

It's night, but there's something that Solar need to check so he went to the cave.

And Ice said he will accompany him because he is bored, but everyone know Ice.

He is too lazy to even walk to the kitchen.

But he is willing to go to the Cave in the middle of the night.

Solar sighed, "you don't have to worry you know, i told you i'm fine now.", he said to Ice.

Ice nodded, "and i'm not worried about you, i'm just bored."

Solar rolled his eyes, "i know you Ice, if you are bored you prefer to sleep rather than taking a walk like this."

Ice chuckled, "whoa, you know me so well."

"...but don't worry, indeed, i'm a little bit worried about you because you were crying yesterday but---", his words got cutted by Solar's light smack on his back. Telling him to not saying anything about the embarassing event yesterday.

"...Ochobot caught a signal.", Ice said to Solar, now his indifferent light blue eys looks serious.

"What? What kind of signal?", Solar asked, because he didn't notice anything.

Ochobot is silent, he stare at the eyes of the youngest element. "I didn't want to tell you guys because i haven't checked it yet."

"But you should have told me about this." , Solar's eyes looks piercing.

He can't accept that Ochobot is hiding something as important as this.

"Now now, this is why i'm here.", Ice said as he stand up between both of them, trying to keep the situation peaceful.

"If i leave you guys alone, then you'll have a quarrel.", he said helplessly.

"Tomorrow is our birthday, you know?", Ice sighed.

He understand that his brothers is mentally exhausted. And Solar's case is even worse than the others. Because he put all of his time and efforts to search for a way to completely revive Taufan.

To completely bring that person back to them.

"Let's not fight, Ochobot didn't want to tell us because he want to protect us.", Ice said to Solar.

Solar heave a long sigh, "is this 'signal' is dangerous?"

Ice shook his head, "it's not, but maybe it will hurt us."

Ochobot stare at Ice, he sighed helplessly before he opened his mouth.

"...i can feel his's so weak it's almost unnoticable.", Ochobot said.

"What?", Solar asked with such a surprised voice.

"Y-you mean...Taufan's soul?", he asked as he shook Ochobot's body.

Ochobot nodded.

"Really? You are not mistaken? Why didn't you tell me about this--", Solar's eyes is shining, his stare is filled with hope and disbelief.

Ochobot heave a long sigh, "this is why i don't want to tell you guys.. it's not clear, i haven't made sure of it yet.", Ochobot explained.

"I know how desperate are you guys. I 'm afraid that if this signal is fake, then you will got hurt even more.", Ochobot said with a sad voice.

Ice patted him, "it's okay.., we are stronger than before..", he said with a sad smile.

They are arrived in the middle area of the cave, the place that got surrounded with blue crystals.

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