waiting again

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Ochobot scanned Taufan's condition right after they arrived at the infirmary.

Taufan is lying on the bed weakly as he furrowed his eyebrows, bearing the pain that attacking his head.

It feels like it's shattered, his mind, his memories.

"It hurts", Taufan said as clenched his fist, he gritted his teeth as he tried to bear the pain.

But the pain that feels like a thousand needles that stabbing his head is making him lose control over his mind, he can't restrain himself.

He can't hide the pain, the pain feels too overwhelming.

"It hurts so much- why does it feels hurts so much?", Taufan groaned as his hands holding his head, he can feel that his head is going to burst.

"Ochobot what happened to him? What did you find?", Solar asked Ochobot panickedly.

Gempa can feel the fear that spreading inside his heart, "Taufan, you'll be fine.."

Ochobot showed the data that he received, "it's just like what i feared.." , he said.

"Due to the limited amount of his spirit and energy, his body can't function normally.", Ochobot explained as he showed the description of this situation.

"..is this condition dangerous for him?", Amato asked, now he can't help but feel as concerned as the elemental brothers.

To be honest, when he heard that Taufan was dead back then, he can feel that his heart shattered too. Even if he rarely meet him, even if he rarely interact with him after he left for this job..

He is his son after all, his own flesh and blood..

But he tried to brush it off, convincing himself that somehow it's not the truth.

And busying himself with more works, so that his attention will be diverted from the grief.

And it's succeed. He can barely think about his sons because of the piles of works.

But then Gempa, the person who usually the most mature and calm, the most understanding and responsible suddenly 'asked' a favor from him.

That day he was reminded about the loss.

About Taufan's death,

About the elemental brothers' grief,

"How cruel..", he sneered to himself that day.

Losing his son's trust, hurting them so much by leaving them by theirself.

What a bad father, he thought.

That day, somehow, there's no tears from his eyes.

The older you get, the you will become crueler.

Maybe it's true.

He sent them a spaceship as a 'birthday gift' for them.

But then nothing.

As if it's his only job as a father.

Providing a spaceship.

After that, he consider that his job is done.

"They will succeed.. or even if they're not.. they will get over it.", Amato said as he bitterly laughed.

"Separation is unavoidable after all..", he said.

He feels worse wehenever he said something.

Being a Father is difficult.

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