Happy birthday

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"Happy birthday, Taufan!", Someone jumped onto him when he is asleep.

Taufan jumped in surprise, he opened his eyes and he met an energetic gaze that shining so brightly.

"Blaze, Happy birthday to you too.", Taufan smiled as he ruffled Blaze's hair.

Taufan have just realize that everyone is standing near the door too, his eyes got wider, "wow, everyone is here too, Happy birthday, All of you, my dearest brothers!" Taufan said with a cheerful grin.

They all seems a little bit worried when Blaze suddenly jumped onto Taufan's body, but they are relieved that he is okay.

Today is their 16th Birthday, time flies so fast for him. Now his brothers looks like a healthy teenagers. Taufan smiled to his brothers.

"Did you sleep well last night?", Gempa asked Taufan with a worried voice.

Taufan smiled, "thanks to Mr.Shark, i slept really well.", he said with a reassuring voice.

"..how is your condition now, Taufan?" , Ice asked Taufan with a slightly worried voice.

Taufan smiled, "it's better than yesterday, don't worry.", he said as he laughed helplessly.

"Don't force yourself too much.", Hali said to Taufan with a concerned Voice.

Taufan smiled, "i won't."

These days, they are always get so worried about Taufan.

His condition is not stable, he sometimes will cough up blood, and he also looks paler and limp.

They already forced him to check up his condition to the doctor in Tapops, but the result is not concerning at all.

And Taufan always said that it's only his fatigue.

"Don't stare at me like that you guys, geez. Especially you,Solar.", Taufan said with a chuckles because his brothers's worried face and piercing gaze is all focused on him.

"Rather than that, today i will prepare for a little birthday gift for you guys.", Taufan said.

Taufan stand up slowly, making sure that he won't lose balance like last time. He then walked to his brothers, "i wonder what kind of birthday meal that Gempa has prepared for us.", Taufan grinned.

"Omelette fried rice, also orange juice, and you said that you are interested with the new popular food right? So i made cheese toast too.", Gempa answered calmly.

Everyone's stomach is now growling because of that.

"I want to eat!", Thorn said excitedly as he rushed to the kitchen.

They are all busy digging into their delicious food, Gempa's cooking is the best. If they were asked about whose cooking is the best, Gempa, Tok Aba and Gopal's cooking is the answer.

They can't really remember about how their mother's cooking tastes like, because their mother figure here is Gempa.

Taufan is calling the name of a person inside him, "Reverse..."

There's a few seconds of silent, before the voice answered, "yes?"

"How are you feeling?", Taufan asked him.

Nowadays Taufan can feel that The Reverse is getting weaker too, of course he is still powerful in the term of power, but as someone who share one body, Taufan can feel it.

"No need to worry about me, how about you? Last night you-", his voice got cutted.

Gempa, "Taufan, why did you stop eating? Is the food doesn't suit your taste?", Gempa asked him worriedly.

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