he is fine

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After having words with Ochobot, they both leave that place. Taufan looks as bright as ever, but not Ochobot.

Ochobot seems pressured and scared.

"How is your condition? Are you okay?", Hali asked him immediately.

"Of course! I'm fine!", Taufan gave him a big bright grin.

"Really?, how is his condition Ochobot?", Hali asked to Ochobot.

Ochobot seems surprised with the sudden question, he has been dazing off after that conversation, "huh?"

Ice look at the yellow spheres, "how is his condition?"

"Ah-, it's-", Ochobot didn't know what to say. Is it really okay for him to keep this as a secret?

Taufan casually hug Ochobot from behind, leaning his chin on Ochobot's head. "Of course i'm fine! right, Ochobot?", he said as he gave him an expecting gaze.

"..yes..", Ochobot said, but he doesn't looks relieved at all.

"Then why did it looks like you are worried about something?", Ice asked him.

Ochobot look at Taufan's eyes, the boy  only give him a smile as an answer.

"..no, he is really fine, it's just his body lack of nutrition lately so..", Ochobot didn't know what he blabbered right now. He can't make a proper excuse because of the thoughts that filling his head.

Ice's piercing gaze still sending chills through Taufan's spine, Taufan pretend like he didn't realize it. "Ochobot is just confused because how i fell sick,right?"

Ochobot nodded, "yeah."

Ice didn't say anything anymore, and Hali just walked closely beside Taufan. "You should eat properly,you know..", he suddenly said to Taufan.

Taufan is surprised by the sudden advice, but he can feel his heart get warmer. As if he can forget his problem for a bit. "I will,hehe!", he exclaimed brightly.

Yeah, this is okay.

Because, i don't want them to feel any pain,any sadness, or anything that can hurt them.

It's okay as long as they are safe and happy.

The sun is setting down as they all walks together. This peaceful atmosphere, Taufan really miss this kind of atmosphere.


"Such fakery", A voice said to him inside his mind.

"What?", Taufan smiled, he pretends to not knowing the meaning of that words.

"Your acts, your words, it's disgusting.", The Reverse said to him.

"So cruel.", Taufan answered, but he doesn't tease him like usual.

"When you talked with that yellow ball, you manipulated his mind right?", The Reverse asked him coldly.

"You are acting like a villain, don't you know that?", The Reverse continues his harsh comments.

"Why does a reverse like you care so much about the criteria of something that the 'supposed' to be a hero like me doesn't even care?", Taufan suddenly asked him, he didn't smile. His expression is cold.

This cold and harsh version of him, he never show it to his brothers. The Reverse never saw him being like this before, he is surprised.

But more importantly, he feel interested.

"Prejudice about what i should and what i should not do is pissing me off." Taufan said, he throw himself on his bed. His hand is covering his face.

"..you said i manipulated him right?", Taufan asked him, he sounds like he is in a bad mood.

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