you are really here

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The figure inside that crystal is slowly opening his eyes. He blinked a few times, his deep blue eyes seems like it's trying to adjust after resting for a year.

The crystal is completely broken, a gentle swirling wind that surrounding that figure is slowly dissipating.

"Taufan, you are finally back."



"Taufan!!" , Gempa called his name, his voice is filled with disbelief.

After the crystal completely shattered, the wind is fading away.

Taufan's body is slowly falling down, Ice and Solar quickly try to catch it.

It's real. It's really him. A brunette hair with a slight bit of white hair, a deep blue colored pupils that still looks somewhat lost.

Ice and Solar can feel the weight on their body. A slight warmness from the figure that they held.

"Taufan...", Ice said as he carefully hold Taufan so that he wont fell.

"Is it real? Are you finally..", Solar asked, his voice is filled with disbelief but also excitement.

Hali rushed to them, "'s you.."

"It's really you..", Hali said, he didn't notice that his tears already fell from his eyes.

Ice pulled the body into his embrace, he hugged him.

"Taufan..", he called the name of the brother that he missed so much.

Gempa is still silent, he is still trying to process this.

"Is it real?", Gempa asked, his voice is low, it sounds like a whisper.

"I..", his tears fell as he walked toward them.

Blaze and Thorn jumped to Taufan who is still silent, as if he still haven't regained all of his sense yet.

"I missed you so much! , finally...", Blaze shouted as he cried.

"Finally you are back!", he said as he tighten the hug, his tears is streaming down, leaving a mark on Taufan's clothes.

"Taufan, i miss you sooo much!" , Thorn cried as hugged Taufan tightly.

Even if Ice, Solar and Hali tried to hold him so that he won't fall, but receiving a double weight that suddenly jumped onto Taufan make them all fell down.

"Hey! Be careful--", Solar scolded them, but his vision is blurry.

His visor is filled with tears, he sobbed as he touched Taufan's shoulder, as if he still trying to ensure that this is real.

Suddenly, Gempa is squating down to meet Taufan's eye level. He smiled as his hand reached Taufan's cheek.

"Taufan, are you real?", he asked with a supressed sobbing.

Taufan blinked a few times, he looks a little bit confused.

He suddenly let out a cheerful smile, "why are you guys crying?", he asked, but his voice still sounds hoarse, maybe it's because of he is sleeping for too long.

It sounds weak.

"We missed you..", Gempa said as he pull Taufan into his hug.

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