Syrup + Red paint = blood

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Taufan grinned, "well, i'm well know for being weird."

"Anyway Solar, i never hated you nor i dislikes you.", Taufan said to Solar.

Solar's golden eyes got wider, he averted Taufan's gaze.

He always thought that Taufan dislikes him.

Taufan is kind to everyone, but he treated him coldly that day.

He always feels that it doesn't matter, he didn't need the other people's kindness after all. He only rely on himself and his power.

He only rely on his knowledge.

But sometimes it feels like Taufan always know more than what it seems.

"Is that so? then why..", Solar asked Taufan.

Taufan chuckled, "you are smart, and confident, not to mention, you are so powerful."


"But you know, sometimes overconfidence can drag us down.", Taufan said as he stare at the ceiling above them.

Solar furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you trying to say?", he said with an annoyed tone.

Taufan chuckled, "i just want to tell you that being cocky when facing an enemy is not a wise choice." , but his glare is cold.

You are powerful, brother.

You are one of the most powerful elementals.

But sometimes you are too cocky, and it will only endanger you guys.

"Are you trying to scold me?", Solar sneered at him.

And then he played with his own fingers, "sometimes i wonder, Taufan.."

His golden eyes is locked with Taufan's deep blue eyes, he smirked at Taufan, "aren't you the one who being cocky right now?"

Taufan answered his question with his unreadable smile, "well i wonder?"

"But really, it'd be better if you try to change your habit, youngest brother.",Taufan said as he stand up.

"Now then, i think i will excuse myself. Let's get along after this, Solar.", Taufan grinned at him as walked away.

Solar furrowed his eyebrows, today too, Taufan acted like he know something he didn't know.

You told me that i'm cocky.

But you are the one who always acted the way you want, and causing trouble for everyone.

Like yesterday, you disappeared and come back just like that.

You don't even know how worried they are.

"Such an ignorant.", he commented as he picked up his book.

But he still looks pale, i wonder how can he be this weak?

"You..", The Reverse's voice sounds grumpy.

"You purposedly annoy him, don't you?", He asked Taufan.

Taufan grinned, he answered with a playful tone, "eh~ what do you mean?"

"..geez.", The Reverse can only sighed.

"So you never planned to do anything about your condition..", he said, his voice sounds sad and disappointed.

"Then why...why did you promise your robot an empty promise?", he asked Taufan, his cold voice is changed into a worried voice.

Taufan smiled, "i always thought that i'm so cruel to him."

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