red paint

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"That stain is..uuh, red paint?" ,Taufan answered them with his usual grin.

The atmosphere is getting colder, all of his brothers stare at him with a gaze filled with distrust.

"I hate to get involved with your stupid drama but i've verified that the stain in that handkerchief is a blood.", Solar said as he crossed his hands, he looks annoyed.

"You know how many fuss caused by your disappearance? I can't even sleep properly.", Solar continued with an annoyed tone.

What a brat. Taufan thought.

"Yes, it's blood..", Taufan answered helplessly.

"It's your blood.", Hali said to him.

Taufan nodded, "it's my blood.."

"Why? What happened? What did you do?", Gempa asked him, his eyes is filled with worriness.

And Taufan could only soothe that worries with a lie.

No one will be happy if i said that i'm slowly dying. And it will only become more troublesome anyway.

"It's only a nosebleed, nothing serious.", Taufan answered him with a grin.

His brothers is silent, they don't seems convinced with Taufan's reason.

Ice walked towards him, his eyes is cold but filled with hestitation. "..really?"

"We are....we really want to trust you..", Ice said to Taufan.

He looks more emotional than usual. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Trust me then.", Taufan answered with a smile.

"How could we trust you when it feels like you are hiding something from us,Taufan?!", Hali scolded him, his eyes filled with frustration.

Taufan is silent, his heart and head is still hurting because he overused his power and also his soul.

Ochobot stare at him with worries, he seems like he can't bear it anymore.

Taufan laughed, it can't be helped if you guys can't trust me anymore.

Indeed, i'm a liar. What came from my mouth is mostly a lie.

"Taufan, you've changed. I tried to convince myself many times that there's nothing wrong, but i can't even trust myself said you are fine before, right? But what is that injuries? And why do you look so pale? If you are fine, you won't be like this.", Gempa said to him, he tried to maintain his patience.

"But i began to agree with what Ice said back then, your standard of your own well it as long as you are not heavily injured or dying?", Gempa asked him as he gritted his teeth.

Taufan sighed, he feel sorry to his brother. He never wanted to hurt them. But lying is the only way he know to protect them.

He smiled, "well, it can't be helped if you didn't trust me, Gempa.."

"This part of me is indeed annoying, i apologize for creating such a big fuss like this. I even annoyed our youngest brother."

"But I can assure you, this is just a fatigue. You know that my condition is not really good back then right? I think it's still here. Don't worry it'll be better soon." , Taufan said as he smiled.

He stare at the gentle figure in front of him, "now then.., i think i'll rest in my room.", Taufan said as he pat Gempa's shoulder.

It's clear for them that Taufan draw a line from them.

He hides something.

But they can't do anything.

"Stop!", Solar said to Taufan as he pulled Taufan's hand.

Taufan flinched because of the pain from his injuries, "..yes?", he asked Solar with a tired voice.

"They are so worried about you and this is your payment?!",Solar scolded him, his eyebrows is furrowed.

Taufan stare at him with a tired look, "i'm sorry."

"I...i'm just really tired.", Taufan said. He did try his best to maintain his composure and balance while having a conversation with his brothers.

The pain inside his body, and also the fatigue that caused by him overworking himself is now attacking him.

Solar stare at him, he tighten his grip. "You are a coward." , he said to Taufan.

Taufan nodded, "yes, i am."

Solar feel more annoyed when he heard that answer from Taufan, "you are not supposed to answer that way!"

Taufan stare at him in confusion, "how should i answer you then?"

Taufan feels the stuffy sensation from his chest and throat again, no, this is not a good timing.

"..i will excuse my-", his words got cutted by his own cough.

Taufan quickly cover his mouth with his uninjured hand.

He turn away quickly to prevent his brothers to see it, but it seems like fate didn't side with him today.

They all saw the blood that splatter on the floor.

"Taufan!", Ochobot rushed to him.

Taufan give the 'i'm fine' gesture to him as he smiled weakly.

"This is syrup." , Taufan answered spontanously.

"Stop lying!", Ice shout at him.

It's the first time they heard him this emotional.

"Taufan, are you okay?", Gempa asked him as he sit beside Taufan who is crouching down.

Hali silently follow him with a face painted in frustration.

"Taufan, you shoul-" , Ochobot stopped his words when he saw Taufan's smile.

"The fatigue is worse than i thought, don't you think so?", Taufan force a laugh.

"Stop laughing in this kind of situation!", Hali said to him.

Blaze still can't really process about what happened, but one thing for sure. This is not a good thing.

"Taufan, are you dying?!", he asked Taufan with a panicked voice.

Taufan's smile freeze. Oh dear little brother, even if it's the truth you can't say it like that.

"No, this is just an extreme fatigue and also i've been stressing a lot these few days. You know right, stress is bad for baby.", Taufan chuckled at his own jokes.

But no one laugh at his jokes.

"Gempa..,can i take a rest?", Taufan asked him with a tired voice.

Gempa furrowed his eyebrows, he is still worried but, seeing Taufan like this, he think it's better to let him rest.

"Okay, you should rest.", Gempa said.

Gempa helped him to walk to his room. "Thank you,Gempa."

I hope you guys decided to believe in my poor lies.

//author's note//

Author : Taufan, our readers is getting annoyed by your lies.

Taufan : i never lied thought? *smile*

Author : really? Then will you always live happily from now on?

Taufan : of course!

Ochobot,Revan : ...... what a liar.

(Idk what i'm writing i'm becoming weirder lately pls forgive me.)

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