second tier

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After Solar came, they can complete the mission more efficiently.

He is so powerful and smart, everyone feel the benefit of having him in the group, even Hali can't help but acknowledge him.

"You did a good job again, Solar.", Gempa praised him as he pat Solar's shoulder. He looks so proud.

Taufan who see that, only smile from a far, he is leaning on the wall, "he is good, isn't he?"

Hali clicked his tongue, "no matter how good he is, he is so full of himself."

Taufan chuckled hearing this,suddenly Hali patted Taufan's head, "you did a great job too." He said to Taufan, his voice is sincere.

Taufan is silent, he is a little bit surprised, "it thanks to your plan that we can prevent ourself to get hurt", Hali said to him.

"It's only a little advice thought, the one who made a complete plan is Solar.", Taufan chuckled.

Hali's feet is kicking the sand lazily, he stare down, "i know he is good. I'm proud of him too."

"But i think his plan still feels so reckless sometimes, he didn't prioritize our safety.", Hali said to Taufan.

Taufan stare at the dust that flying around because of Hali's lazy kick, "so you realize it too."

"He is a little bit too cocky. He will be so powerful if only he tone down that trait of him.", Taufan said, he begin to kick the sand the same way as Hali.

From a far they could hear Blaze and Thorn's excited voice, "Solar! Your second-tier form looks so amazing!"

Yes, among them, only Solar, Ice, Thorn and Gempa who already awaken the second tier form.

The other elements is still waiting for Boboiboy to use their second-tier. To be honest, they are so excited for that time to come because their second tier form looks a lot cooler than their first tier looks.

Hali, "tch, Gempa looks amazing too. Why only that shiny brat who got all the praise?" , he said, he feel annoyed.

Taufan pat his shoulder, "i bet your second tier form will look cool too!"

Hali feel a little bit embarassed, "w-what are you saying, anyway.."

"I bet yours will look cool too.", Hali said to Taufan.

Hali haven't told anyone about.. once again, the nightmare he had back then is correct again.

Solar looks the same with the Solar in his nightmare.
Ice , Thorn and Gempa also looks the same with their second tier form in his nightmare.

Taufan laughed when he heard what Hali said, "eh? Don't you think mine is a bit plain compared to the other?"

Hali thought of Taufan's second tier form from his nightmare.

It has more colours than his own second tier form, it's dominated with white and blue color, and then there's yellow and black too.

"No way.", He said to Taufan.

Hali suddenly realize something, "..wait."

He said it as if he already saw his second tier form. Hali thought.

"Taufan, you-", Hali's words got cutted by Blaze's voice who is calling their name.

"Hali,Taufan, what are you guys doing there? Hurry! We will start the next mission at 2 pm!" , Blaze shouted excitedly.

Taufan's attention is now on Blaze, "i'm coming!" , Taufan answered cheerfully.

"Let's go, Hali.", Taufan said as he dragged Hali.

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