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They cried and cried.

The crystal's light is fading away as the memories stopped.

What should they do now? They already know the truth.

They thought that they will feel better after knowing the truth, maybe they could try moving on and walk forward.

Leaving Taufan as the matter of the past..

But they know it, they can't do it.

They don't want to do it.

After knowing the pain that he had been trough..

How could they do it?

The matter of whose fault it is, the matter of deciding who to blame, it sounds so silly now.

Thinking about those things only make them feel gultier than they already was.

"...what to do now?", Gempa sobbed.

"Is it possible to bring him back to us?" , Gempa asked Ochobot, his tears fell.

It's funny how he usually the most optimist and determined one, but now he can't even tell himself that things will be alright.

"...if Taufan could retrieve us because of the contract, maybe..we could do the same too?", Solar said, his voice is filled with hesitation.

He know that it's not the right thing to do.

He know..

But maybe..

"You mean, doing the same thing like what he did?" , Ice asked him. His voice sounds hoarse and cold.

He is tired, for crying too much.

For grieving too much.

Solar nodded, he know that it's not the best choice.

Ochobot looks so surprised when he heard it, "are you crazy?!" , he asked Solar.

"No! Don't do it. You know that you have to pay with something big for that kind of contract.", Ochobot said.

"I don't want you guys to do it.", Ochobot told them with a sad voice.

"But Ochobot, Taufan is-", Solar's words got cutted by Ochobot.

Ochobot sounds so desperate and furious, "Why Are you guys acted like this? Why did you never consider about my feelings? What about me? I can't lose any of you guys anymore! I don't want to!" , Ochobot shouted at them as he cried.

Their heart felt painful when they heard Ochobot's crying voice.

Hali touched the red crystal that filled with his brother's blood. "..i don't want him to get hurt anymore.", Hali said to them.

His expression looks so hurt, he can't believe the fact that he prefer to not trying to bring Taufan back rather than losing any of his brothers.

But if it's Taufan, he will understand.

He know that i do this for everyone.

He know that this is the best choice.

"I really miss him too of course, if there's a possibilty for him to return to us...of course i will try my best to do it." , Hali said.

"But...", his words got cutted.

"How do you feel when you realized this painful truth about Taufan?", he asked his brothers, his red eyes doesn't looks as sharp as usual.

They all stare at each other. Of course, they feel the same.

It hurts them to see Taufan like that.

Boboiboy - So that we can be Together Again Where stories live. Discover now