notice me, senpai

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"Hey Blaze, can you teach me how to use my power?", Taufan asked him after they play for two hours straight.

"Why do you ask me? I can't use Wind power.", Blaze answered him, confused.

"Or you want me to teach you how to control Fire?, i still can't control it completely thought.", he continues.

Taufan drinks his iced cocoa drink, "no, i mean.. hmm.."

"I got this feeling that i still can't use my power to the maximum", Taufan explained.

I mean the other power that resides in me. But oh well, the owner didn't want to teach me.

"Huh? Is that so?", Blaze asked him excitedly.

"Then,then, show it to me first how far you can use it!", Blaze demanded him.

Taufan took a deep breath, he tried to create his usual typhoon, but with his maximum power.

"Huh? Why can't i create my usual typhoon?", Taufan is confused, his power can't even form his usual typhoon.

"Huh? Huh?", he tried to create it again and again but still failed.

"Huh? You can't use your power?", Blaze asked him, he looks worried and confused.

"I-i don't know? Why can't i use it? It worked just fine when we play together right?", Taufan is panicked.

What's wrong with my power? If i lose my power then, how can i protect my brothers?

No, you can't lose it!

Blaze, "try to create something simple from your power first!", Blaze said to him.

"Like what?", Taufan asked panickly.

"I-i don't know! Don't be panic!" ,Blaze feels panicked too.

When Taufan stretch his hand and try to calm down, a burst of power suddenly formed from his hand.

"What the hell?!", Blaze shouted, he is surprised with what he saw.

Taufan who closed his eyes because of the sudden force from his hand immediately opened his eyes, when he saw what's in front of him, he repeated Blaze's words. "What the hell?!"

A giant typhoon, twice, no... it's much more bigger than his typhoon. And it has an ominous gloomy color. The force that formed in the center of the typhoon is so powerful, Taufan can feel the pressure from standing inside it.

"HEY BLAZE CAN YOU HEAR ME?!", Taufan shouted as loud as he can.

"HUH?!", Blaze answered him with another shout.

"GOOD! RUN AWAY FROM HERE! I CAN'T CONTROL THIS FREAKIN TYPHOON! YOU SHOULD FIND SOMEWHERE SAFE FIRST, GOT IT? " , Taufan shouted from the inside of the typhoon, trying to bear the pressure that the typhoon created.

"HOW ABOUT YOU?!", Blaze asked him.

"I'M FINE, I'LL TRY TO CONTROL IT! RUN FIRST! AND DON'T LET ANYONE COME NEAR!", Taufan answered him with his another shout.

Gosh my throat.., he complained inwardly.

He could hear a faint running sound that getting further, "good things he is obedient..", he sighed with relief.

"Is this your power, your majesty?", Taufan spoke.

"What's with the sudden change of heart?, suddenly letting me to use it..", Taufan asked him.

He can hear a faint disapproval from the reverse.

"Now, can you please teach me how to control this, or stop this thing?",Taufan asked him.

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