who is winning?

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Ice stare down at him. his gaze looks piercing, "you look different,Taufan.", he said to Taufan.

His voice is sending chills throught Taufan's spine.

Why did he know?


Taufan is silent after he heard Ice's question, he is surprised.

But he quickly regain his composure, "you too, Ice. You look so cool in your new form~ ehe, i bet your fans will be happy to see your new form!", Taufan answered playfully.

Ice's pair of blue eyes is still on him, "..is it? Well your new form surprise me, it doesn't looks like your old second tier."

Taufan laughed, so he is talking about my old form, thanks god.

"Well, yeah..this looks simpler.", Taufan answered.

"The color, the shape, the vibe, it's really different.", Ice said to him.

"It's still looks good on you, but it doesn't suit your free nature at all.",Ice said with a piercing stare, his light blue eyes is locked with Taufan's deep blue eyes.

Taufan gulped, he tried not to read too much into it, "should i feel offended?", he answered Ice, his smile looks cold.

"Don't get me wrong, i didn't try to offend you.", Ice said lazily with a smile.

"I sometimes wonder, how many lies hidden behind that smiling mask of yours.", Ice said as he suddenly forcing Taufan to look at him.

Taufan gritted his teeth, but a second after that he let out a sneer.

"Well, i don't know what you are talking about.", Taufan's stare is now as cold as Ice.

"Oops, sorry.", Ice retreat his hand away from Taufan's face, he creates a water bubble and sit lazily on that thing.

"I know you won't let me know about your secrets, so how about i share mine? I'm not greedy after all.", he said as his eyes glower.

Taufan averted his gaze, "you don't need too, i'm not in the mood.", he said as he began to walk away from Ice.

"I got this nightmare where everyone died, you see.. i'm so scared, i need someone to share this feelings with me and i thought i could share it with you because you are good at keeping secrets. But it's okay, you can go. I'll just share this nightmare with Solar or Gempa or maybe Blaze.", Ice said lazily as he still stare at Taufan's figure.

Taufan stopped his step. He feels like his heart stopped.

".....What are you saying just now?", he asked Ice, his voice trembles.


"Oh, i thought you are not in the mood to talk about this.", Ice said, but different with his playful tone, he looks serious.

"As you can see, i'm not in the mood to play around.", Taufan said to him, his face looks dark and scary.

Ice shivered from that stare, "oh,scary.", he said.

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