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"You should take a rest, you look so pale.", Gempa said to him as he slowly guide Taufan to sleep on his bed.

", i'm fine.", Taufan said as he tried to wake up from his bed.

But a second after he stood up, his head feels dizzy and he loses his balance.

Gempa sighed, he looks worried, "I told you.., Taufan please, just rest for a bit."

"What happened? Why are you suddenly ill?" , Gempa asked him as he passed a glass of water to Taufan.

"Maybe a cold? I feel better thought.", Taufan said to him, assuring him that he is fine.

He wanted to quickly write down about his memories, so that he can plan a way to prevent that to happen.

He wanted to practice, so that he will be powerful enough to protect his brothers.

"You feel..somewhat different today.", Gempa said to him as he put his hand on Taufan's forehead to check his temperature.

"Why are you crying when you wake up? Do you have a nightmare?", Gempa asked him.

Taufan let out a smile, a hollow smile that Gempa never saw before.

"Yeah, it's a very scary nightmare..", he smiled, his eyes looks terrified.

Gempa feels that it's somewhat weird, it's the first time Taufan cried like that.

"It's okay..", Gempa hugged him.

"It's only a nightmare..", He said as he tried to comfort him.

But he can't see the expression that Taufan made, his stare looks so empty, but he still manage to smile. "Yeah.."

"It's only a nightmare..", he repeated Gempa's words as he assure himself.

If only it was just a nightmare. He thought as he stroke Gempa's back.

Hali went in with a box filled with medicine, "i don't know which one is the medicine, so i brought the entire box..", he said to Gempa.

Gempa nodded and choose the medicine from the box.

"How is your feeling now?", Hali asked him, his voice sounds warm and worried even if his face still looks indifferent.

"Better.., sorry for startling you when i woke up.", Taufan answered as he smiled.

"Don't worry.", Hali answered.

"But, what dream are you having to make you react like that?", Hali asked him with a concerned expression.

"It's a long dream, but it's already fine thought.", Taufan answered.

"Now everything is already fine.", He smiled to Hali.

Hali ruffled Taufan's hair, gently he pat Taufan's shoulder. "Tell me if that nightmare came again. I-i'll make sure to chase it away.", he said as he got embarassed with his own words.

He know he is acting childish right now, but he can't help it. Because Taufan's face when he woke up is so heartbreaking to people who see it.

He looks like he is in pain and desperate, like he has experienced something so frightening. It breaks his heart to see the usually smiling Taufan, being that broken.

Taufan cheered up as he heard Hali's words, he chuckled. "Thank you..", he said to Hali.

Hali wanted to complain so that Taufan would stop chuckling, but he saw Taufan's face.

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