you are baby

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"..uhm, guys i want to try to walk..", Taufan said.

Maybe because he is sleeping for a year, his body is not used to walk and when he tried to walk, he wobbled and fell down.

After then his brothers prohibit him to walk.

They reacted too much, even if Taufan tried to move his body for an inch, one of them will immediately try to help him.

He is happy that his brothers really care about him, but he can't help but feel like he is treated like a fragile thing.

"Are you hungry? I will bring the snack here so you don't have to move.", Hali said to him.

"No, i mean, my body feels sore because i didn't move around..", Taufan said to Hali.

Hali is silent, he is thinking deeply right now, trying to find a way that will make Taufan feel comfortable.

"..can't you like..stretch on that bubble bed?", Hali asked him.

Taufan sighed, "i want to walk, not being able to move around freely is-", Taufan's words got cutted.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of him, it's Ice.

"Here, i'll help you walk.", he said to Taufan, cueing Taufan to hold his hand.

"Don't be stressed because of this, got it, Taufan?", Ice said to Taufan as he let Taufan hold his 'normal' hand and not the icy one.

"Walking, moving around, those kind of things, you will be able to do it again naturally..", Hali said to him as he put Taufan's other hand on his shoulder to help him to walk too.

"For example, that brother beside you, all he does is sleeping and lying down all day , but he can still walk just fine.", Hali said to Taufan as he throw a glance to Ice.

Ice sighed, "yes yes, i rarely moves around but i can walk, so don't be stressed.", he said to Taufan.

"Stress is bad for the baby after all.", Ice said as he remembered something.

He let out a little smirk, he remembered that time, back then Taufan is joking about this stuff.

Hali got the jokes, he tried to hold back his laughter and cover his mouth with his hand.

"Huh? What baby?", Taufan asked to them, he didn't understand what so funny about this.

"You are the baby.", Hali said to Taufan as he give up to hold his laughter.

"Me? Baby?", Taufan asked as he lowkey feels offended.

Ice and Hali laughed together, today is a good day, their brother is back. And not only that, they can tease him the way he teased them all the time back then.

"Haha.. ha.., laughing make me feels even more tired.", Ice said as he sighed, he tried to take a deep breath.

"You once said that you are the baby." , Hali said to Taufan as he chuckled.

Taufan furrowed his eyebrows, this two brothers seems so happy to tease him, "i'm not a baby, stop treating me like one.", Taufan said to them, he sounds like he is sulking right now.

Hali smiled, how can they treat him the way they treated him before after knowing how painful was Taufan's life before he returned.. they can't help but wanting to protect him from all of those things.

"I'm 17 years old, just like you guys.", Taufan said to them.

Suddenly he heard a chuckle, "yes, yes, you are 17, or maybe you are even older than us.", Gempa said, he put a soft and sweet dessert into Taufan's mouth.

"Pudding!", Ice exclaimed as he beg Gempa to give him some too.

Gempa chuckled, he put the last serving into his own mouth as he exaggerating his reaction, acting like it's the yummiest food he ever ate.

Ice is staring at the empty cup, he looks so sad just because of that pudding.

Taufan chuckled, "Gempa, it's been so long since you are being this miscievous." He said.

Gempa smiled, "well, indeed.", he said as he gently smile.

"Enough of that walking practice, you should rest.", Gempa said to Taufan.

"But i just started..", Taufan said, he is feeling dejected.

Gempa chuckled, "we will continue tomorrow, okay?", he said as he patted Taufan's head.

he looks more playful than usual, but his stare looks like he is sad? Or happy? Or both? Taufan is silent, he nodded.

They helped Taufan to go to the room that has a bigger space than the other room, "this is our room.", Gempa said to Taufan as he opened the door.

There are three beds inside that room, judging from the color of the bed sheet, the brown one belong to Gempa, the black one belong to Hali and the navy blue one...belong to him.

"The one in the middle, is it my bed?", Taufan asked to his brothers.

They all nodded.

"This spaceship is smaller than the spaceship in the main station, so it only have three rooms.", Gempa said to him.

Taufan nodded.

"We always tidy your bed regularly, so when someday, you return to us.. you will have a comfortable bed for you to sleep..", Gempa said, somehow his voice sounds cracked.

He is trying to not crying.

Taufan smiled to him, to Hali, and also Ice, "thank you..for waiting for me.", Taufan said as he patted Gempa's head.

Gempa's tears fell, "even thought i tried to not to cry...i really miss you, Taufan.", Gempa said to Taufan.
Taufan gulped, "uhh guys, you have to sleep too you know? Stop staring at me like that..", Taufan said to two of his brothers that still staring at him since an hour ago.

Gempa shook his head, "we will sleep right after you sleep.", he said as he lift the blanket so it will cover Taufan's chest properly.

"Good night, Taufan.", Gempa said.

Taufan sighed helplessly as he smiled, "good night, Gempa.."

"Also, good night,Hali.", Taufan said to the other person who is still standing as he watched them.

"..tomorrow, you have to wake up early..okay?", Gempa said to Taufan, Taufan can see fear from Gempa's hazel eyes.

Taufan smiled, "of course."

He close his eyes, trying to sleep as fast as he can so his brothers can also go to sleep too.

"Hali..., you are not going to scold me?", Gempa asked Hali who is still silently watching Taufan's sleeping figure and also Gempa.

Hali's red eyes is locked with his hazel eyes, "for what?"

" be honest, i'm still afraid..i know it's childish but.."

"I can't relax myself, what if he will have a long sleep again? What if tomorrow he-", Gempa's words got cutted by his own action.

Gempa slapped his own cheeks real hard.

"What am i thinking, i can't be like this.", he said as he let out a bitter laugh.

Hali patted his head, "tomorrow he will wake up, don't worry."

"You have to go to sleep too, Gempa.", Hali said to his younger brother.

Hali stare at Taufan's figure, he repositioning Taufan's blanket because of Taufan who is moving in his sleep.

"He should.", he whispered as he smiled.

Taufan is sleeping comfortably as he hugged mr.Shark, somehow it feels safe whenever he is with mr.Shark, and also with his brothers.

Inside his dream he can vaguely heard something for a bit, but it's all disappeared again, Taufan is sleeping really well tonight.

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