Wise Advice

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David Botha was known to never leave a stone unturned. He was what people called a perfectionist; everything had to be done correctly and perfectly without a single mistake.

One thing about him, he was not a family man. Yes, he was a good father to his children when he pleased, but not so good husband to his wife, Lolitta Leibrandt.

However, he was a good private investigator.

He worked for the rich. From CEOs to Mafias, from presidents to celebrities, and he never failed. He had decided to go back to England to look into the ‘May Smith’ issue; even after MJ Billings had ‘confirmed’ that she had worked with her. At least that was what he told Logan when he left a few days ago. The truth was that he was here to find some dirt on MJ Billings.

“Hey, beautiful.” He greeted the familiar face that was seated at the bar.

“What are you doing here?” She snarled at him.

“Miss Anderson, you wound me.” He placed his hand on his chest, displaying mock hurt. He sat on the barstool next to her and ordered beer, the same as she was having. “So, you hang out around here often?” He asked, trying to start a conversation.

She snorted and took a gulp of her beer. “What is it to you?"

“How bad is it?” David asked, eyeing her from the corner of his eye.

Meryl sighed. "What on earth are you talking about?"

David opened his mouth to say something, but thought against it. If he pushed her with this, she was not going to tell him anything. “So, are you from here?” He asked just as the barman handed him his drink. “Thanks.” He muttered to the barman and gave him a small smile.

He shifted his attention back to Meryl. “What are you doing here? I mean, what’s your business in London?” She asked and eyed him suspiciously.

He stared at her for a while, debating on whether he should tell her the truth or not. He knew she was the only person who would be willing to tell about the Billings, and she would tell him about MJ Billings.

He wanted to ask her about her identity, but something about her made him decide to take things ‘slow’ with her.

“I’m here on business.” He said after a while, and drank his beer, wondering how on earth he was going to extract information from her.

His phone rang and Lola's name appeared on the screen, but he did not answer. It rang again and he hung up. Immediately after hanging up in Lola, his mother called, and he did not hesitate to answer.


"David, why aren't you answering your phone?" She asked, and David rolled his eyes.

"I didn't hear it."

"Luister, your tannie is hierso. Amber was involved in an accident." David dropped his beer on the table, his eyes wide in panic.

"What?" He asked in a hoarse voice, and this time, Lola answered.

"She was found in some old apartment building, and she's been admitted in hospital." She said.

"Is she okay?" Long silence stretched on the phone, and Lola sighed. "Lolitta, is she okay?" He repeated in panic.

"No. Her face was messed up. They scratched her up with a knife."

David sighed and covered his face with his free hand. "This is all my fault."

"Damn right it is!" Lola gritted. "You had no right to involve her in this. She could have been killed."

David clenched his teeth. "Don't you think I know that?"

Lola snorted. "Do you?" She asked and hung up on him before he could say anything.

David stared at the phone and slammed it on the table. He ran his hands over his face and sighed in frustration.

"Trouble in paradise?" Meryl asked, and David peeked at her with a sad smile.

He sighed. "Yeah."

Meryl gulped down the remainder of her beer and slammed the bottle on the counter along with her bill. "Keep the change." She smiled at the barman and turned to look at David.  "Well, I honestly hope that phone call changes your mind about whatever it is that you were planning to do here tonight." She said, and David froze. "MJ is not a bad person, but when crossed; she is the worst person." She jumped off her seat and gave him a sweet smile.  "The biggest lesson I learned in life is to choose my enemies wisely." She gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Go home, David; this game is not for you."

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