Bad News Too

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There was one thing MJ and Sonya had in common, and that was Jorge Billings; he was the only person in this world that united them. Besides their secret ties, their love for Jorge was what brought them together at times like this.

MJ had no idea what to do, she had never had to visit someone she cared about in hospital in a long time; unfortunately, it did not get to that with Alastair. The last time she was in hospital was when she was admitted after the kidnapping.

The only thing she could do now was to keep the news of Jorge's attempted murder off the media, too bad she could not buy his health or life even if she tried.

She fetched Sonya from Australia, because she believed that Jorge needed her on his bedside during this difficult time. Her return had little to nothing to do with Jorge, but his accident was a catalyst; she had unfinished business to take care of, and there was no better time than now.

"Do you think he is going to be okay?" Sonya asked anxiously as they pulled into the hospital parking lot.

Throughout their entire flight, none of them had uttered a word about what awaited them in South Africa.

Sonya spent most of the time playing with the engagement ring on her finger, probably regretting her past decisions.

MJ did not want to imagine the worst, she had tried to distract herself with the trip to Ireland.

She had suspected that Junior might be involved, but he proved to be clueless about the issue at hand, although she could not say the same about Javier Mendoza, she did not trust that man at all; he was only loyal to himself, and people like that, were dangerous.

"I don't know, Sonya. We will find out inside," she muttered dismissively.

They entered the hospital and approached the reception area.

"Good day," Sonya greeted.

"Good day, how may I help you," the receptionist asked monotonously.

"My fiance was admitted here a few days ago."


MJ watched the whole exchange, her heart drumming in her chest due to anxiety.

"He's in ward 46, but they are only allowing immediate family to see him."

Sonya nodded in MJ's direction. "She's his sister, and like I said, I'm his fiance."

"I understand. In that case, the doctor would like to see you." The receptionist walked around her desk and escorted them.

MJ was not yet ready to see him. "You go ahead and see him, I'll go and speak to the doctor," she said.

Sonya went to Jorge's ward, while the nurse escorted MJ to the doctor's office.

MJ was surprised when they passed Caroline Becker's office and walked towards another door, the nurse knocked, and they both entered.

"Doctor Motaung, this is Jorge Billings' sister."

The male doctor looked up from his files and smiled at them. "Thank you, nurse." The nurse nodded and then left. "Miss Billings, I've been expecting you. Please, have a seat," he said kindly.

"Thank you." MJ pulled out a chair and sat down, her mind imagining all kinds of scenarios. Why was Doctor Becker not here? At this point, she was the only person MJ trusted with her brother's life. "Doctor, is everything alright with my brother?" She asked.

The doctor grimaced and pulled out a file with x-ray images, and MJ knew immediately that Jorge's situation was worse than she had imagined. "I'm afraid I don't have any good news for you, Miss. Your brother's condition is very critical." Her heart dropped to her stomach and she held on tightly to her handbag. "According to the forensic report, he was attacked and was only found almost 24 hours later. He was already critical, and it is truly a miracle that he was still alive when they brought him in," he explained while paging through Jorge's file. "He was beaten up and then he was fatally shot, leading to internal bleeding. He suffered a concussion and there is a swelling in his brain. The worst part is that the bullet severed his spine."

MJ shook her head in disbelief. This was much worse than she expected, someone had really tried to kill her brother. What if this was her fault too? Had Jorge messed with the Mexicans again?

She buried her face in her hands and pulled her loose hair back. "Doctor, what are you saying?" She breathed.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm afraid your brother might never walk again. And that's not the worst... He could suffer from memory loss."

That much she had already deciphered, but hoped she was wrong. "But... Is he going to live?"

The doctor gave her an apologetic look. "The only thing you can do for him right now is to be there for him, it will help speed up his chances of recovery."

By the time MJ left the doctor's office, she felt useless and helpless, she was defeated.

Jorge's complications made it impossible for her to see him, if he made it out alive, he was bound to have amnesia and he would be stuck on a wheelchair.

It would kill them both than it would have if he had died, Jorge was not going to cope, he did not have it in him to endure through this.

"MJ!" Sonya called just as she was about to leave the hospital. MJ turned to face her and was greeted by her tear-stained face. "What's going on, Why are you leaving?"

MJ could not tell her that she was scared to see her brother, on the other hand, she did not want to repeat what the doctor said in a hospital hallway with strangers present, it would just make the situation even worse if someone else got the news. "I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

Sonya frowned. "I don't understand, aren't you going to see Jorge?"

She shrugged and gave a sorrowful smile. "My presence won't be of any use."

"What did the doctor say?" MJ shook her head and turned to walk away. "MJ, what the hell did the doctor say to you?" Sonya yelled, grabbing the attention of bystanders.

MJ turned to her in annoyance. "Sonya, don't confuse my gesture of bringing you here as some friendship token," she said lowly, warning in her voice. "I brought you here so that you can take care of my brother, and that's it. If there's anything the doctor feels like you need to know, he will let you know."

Sonya nodded, but did not say any more on the matter. She searched through her handbag and took out a set of keys, handing them to MJ. "What's this for?"

"You said you need to rest, these are keys to my apartment."

MJ scoffed. "You think I would want to stay with you after what happened the last time?"

Sonya threw the keys in her bag. "Suit yourself! Just make sure that my luggage is delivered to my apartment," she said and stormed off to Jorge's room.

She would never admit it to anyone, but she was grateful for Sonya's presence, Jorge needed her now more than ever, and perhaps even she needed someone to carry the burden with her.

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