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The rest of the day passed by, and it was almost time to knock off when Sonya decided to go up to Logan's office. Logan and Sonya never crossed paths all day. He would send Natalia if he had any work he wanted to give to Sonya.

Sonya on the other hand, was stuck in her office all day, she had even forgotten about food, until Jorge brought her lunch, which she had barely touched.

She picked up the files she was working on and headed to Natalia’s desk, but stopped halfway there. Natalia seemed to be working under pressure; taking phone calls, working on files, attending to clients, making copies and everything else for some of her colleagues.

Natalia spotted Sonya turning around and called her over. “Sonya, I’m so sorry; I can’t take your files to Mr Parker. I’m so stressed out, I feel like I’m going crazy, the agency hasn’t replied and Mosetsana’s daughter is sick. I’m all alone!” She cried, pulling on her hair.

“It’s okay, Natalia; I’ll take it up myself, just take things easy on yourself, okay?” Sonya said and walked towards the elevators.

She took the private elevator to Logan’s office. She knocked on the door and was greeted by silence. She opened the door and entered.

Logan was seated on his chair with his hands clasped together and his eyes closed. Sonya walked towards the desk, her heels clicking on the floor. She placed the files on the desk and turned to leave.

“Miss Smith.” His voice stopped her in her tracks. “Can we talk?” He stood up from his chair, walked around his desk, and leaned against it.

“Before you say anything, I had nothing to do with everything Carmen and MJ did to you.” Sonya said hurriedly and walked on, but Logan pulled her back; his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist as he pulled her roughly against his chest.

"You have some nerve showing your face here after everything you did." He said coldly, in a low voice, his closeness and warm breath causing her to shiver.

"Logan– ah!" She started but cried out when he twisted her wrists. "Mr Parker!" She quickly added, and his grip loosened, but with no intention of letting her go.

She knew his name was not up for use, and this applied specifically to her. Logan had never liked Sonya, especially since she was Lola's best friend back at school, and more so when she started dating Jorge.

He was never her fan, and her presence irked him to the core. He hated her, but there was nothing he could do; he viewed her as a nobody, because she did not fit in their league – they were all from rich families, while Sonya was from a poor background.

Over the years, Logan learnt that money was of no importance, but his view of Sonya never changed. He was always cold and rude to her, but eventually made a step to warm up to her after realising that this was the woman his friend was going to grow old with.

His gesture made Jorge happy, but he soon took advantage of it when he asked Logan to give her a job. Sonya was smart at school; she was one of those people you would expect nothing less from, someone in their league, but life had other plans for her.

Jorge literally begged Logan to give Sonya a job, and went as far as digging up past favours, and Logan had no other choice but to give in to his demands. He hired Sonya as his PA, only for her to betray him and pass on information to his rivalry, Kyle Davids. Since that day, he had been looking for a reason to get rid of her, but it didn't matter anymore; she was the root cause of his problems, she bought MJ back into life.

“No. No, please, Mr Parker; please don't fire me!” She tried to kneel while still in his grip, but he held her in place.

"Don't waste your energy." He snarled in her face and pushed her away, causing her to stumble back.

Sonya stared at him with panicked eyes, watching the door from her peripheral vision. She wetted her suddenly dry lips, thinking of something to say. "Jorge is not gonna like this."

Logan threw his head back and laughed, causing Sonya to flinch. "Jorge?" He chuckled, wiping tears at the corners of his eyes, his face resuming its coldness. "Remember my face when you tell him this: we are done." His voice was cold and rough, without any hint of remorse or reserve in his words. "You can both go and screw each other for all I care. Now get the hell out of my office, and don't ever step foot into my building again."

Sonya stared at him in disbelief. It was really happening; Logan Parker was actually firing her, and not even her boyfriend could save her this time. It was over for her; she was officially jobless, and her hopes of seeing her grandmother sank.

Sonya slowly nodded her head, holding back her tears. "I get it." She attempted to laugh, but it came out as a choked sound. "I understand that you are angry and hurting. Honestly, I saw this coming when you came to see me in Durban, and I hopelessly let my guard down." She grabbed a handful of her hair and took in a shaky breath. "You hate me, and I get it; I brought MJ into your life, and she did nothing but cause havoc. But I can promise you one thing; Jorge had absolutely nothing to do with this, he only found out the day he came to your office. We were all victims of MJ's." She said, but Logan stared back at her with a blank face.

Noting that he was not going to say anything, Sonya turned around and slowly walked out of his office, silently hoping that Logan would call her back and say she still has a job; but all her hope shattered when she reached the door and found Natalia standing there.

She gave a bitter smile, and Natalia looked away. "I hope you are happy now." She said and walked past her, bumping her shoulder on the way. Sonya entered the elevator and took out her phone before dialling a number. "Lola?" She said into the phone. "I need to see you at my place, urgently."

Natalia walked into the office and stood beside the doorframe. "Congratulations." She said with a small smile. "You finally got rid of both the Smith girls." Logan averted his gaze to the window, his guilt eating at him.

There was never May Smith. He thought as his mind drifted away.

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