Dirty Journalist

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Sasha-Lee Van der Merwe was never the one to play by the rules. She liked playing dirty, and that was how she rose to the top of the table as a journalist. She was not just dirty, but she was damn good and that was why she could never ever run out of a job.

At least that was what she thought, until Logan Parker got her suspended a few days ago. She had it coming because no matter how dirty she played, she had to remember to be professional and avoid throwing jabs and personal attacks against their subjects. The day she published the article about Logan Parker, Kyle Davids, and Snegugu; she knew that she was going to get called into her boss's office, but she also knew that he would not fire her, because despite everything, she was good at her job.

However, she was no longer sure about her future at Dinange after her boss replaced her with her biggest rival. Dinange was her last option around Western Cape, and after everything she put them through in the past six months, she was sure that nobody would hire her in South Africa.

She needed to broaden her options and look above and beyond if she wanted to maintain her lifestyle. Sasha-Lee Van der Merwe was a trendsetter. She had no child or pet, and after her divorce, all she cared about was fashion, beauty, and expensive food and wine. She did not have anyone else to support but herself, so she did not have a savings account on her, and now that she was quickly running out of cash, she realised the stupidity of her actions.

She was broke and desperate, she only realised recently that she had made an enemy with the one person who had the authority to help her get another job.

She blew out the cold air and clutched her long coat as her eyes wandered around the cold, dark, and stormy airport. She was so cold that even the scarf around her neck or the beanie on her head could not warm her up. Her hands were frozen and numb, and rubbing them against each other felt like a task. 'I should have worn my gloves.' She thought begrudgingly, her face frozen into a permanent scowl.

She scolded herself for coming here of all places with the current weather. She had purposely put her life at risk by lying to security, saying she was the secretary of the jet owner that was about to board, and they let her through without question. She was starting to wonder if she had made the right call.

She stared at the huge, white jet with Billings Corp. imprinted on it in   big, black, bold letters; and shook her head. This was actually a bad idea. She slid her fingers into her coat and turned to leave, but was stopped by a voice as cold as Cape Town tonight.

"All my secretaries have access to my jets, even if it means sitting inside waiting for my arrival." MJ said dryly. "I'm sorry, my pilot must have forgotten you." She strode towards the tall woman in her nude heels and long, black coat. She had no gloves, beanie or a scarf, and her dark curls were let down.

Sasha blew out some nervous steam and extended her cement hand towards MJ. "Hi, my name is Sasha-Lee Van der Merwe." She said.

MJ shook her hand. "I don't think you would have come to me if you didn't know who I was," She muttered and pulled her hand away.

Sasha gave a nervous chuckle and put her hands back in her pocket. "Do you have a second?"

"Eighty seconds have passed since I arrived. What can I do for you?"

"I have been doing some research on you for quite some time now." MJ nodded her head towards her car, and Sasha followed her there. They stepped into the backseat and MJ turned on the light inside the car.

"Found anything interesting?" MJ asked after getting settled.

Sasha shifted in her seat and cleared her throat. "Well, you are a multibillionaire. You own a huge company, Billings Corporations, a company that operates in various business sectors such as fashion, banking, construction, real estate, restaurants, media, hotels, artisan, transportation, etc. You have a history of shutting down businesses and firing people without warning. From what I found out, you like control and you have no boundaries. But that's as far as it goes. There's nothing else about you on the internet or company website; no names, no birthday. Just information about your brother. I also looked at your background, and your story doesn't add up."

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