Pointing Fingers

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Sne did not understand what was happening around her.
One minute, Kyle was fine, and the next he was out on the floor in front of her gate.
She wished she had let him in as soon as he arrived, but she was still blinded by her anger after the way his mother treated her the other day.
She did not even want to imagine what would have happened if her maid had not showed up.
Why didn't she notice that he was not okay when she was speaking to him?
And why didn't he tell her about Jorge as soon as he found out?
Now she was being accused of trying to kill her husband for his money since she was a sole beneficiary in all his policies.
The wait was killing her, Kyle was the only one who could testify on her behalf, because his parents were ready to have her arrested.
The family feud had escalated to a thousand percent in less than forty-eight hours, their parents were ready to rip each other apart, and the only people who could prevent the pending war were both fighting for their lives.
Kyle was having his system flushed to rid the poison.
No one understood how he could have gotten poisoned, especially now.
There was only one person in mind that hated Kyle with enough motive to want to kill him.
"Why aren't you arresting her, are you waiting for her to finish my son off?" Kyle's mother yelled at Zoe Botha, who seemed to be annoyed with all the tantrums.
"Mrs Davids," Zoe said lowly, throwing the woman an empathic look. "We cannot arrest anyone without any proof, your son is the only one who can point us to the suspects."
Mrs Davids was livid. "What more proof do you want? It's obvious that she tried to take out the family lawyer so that they could rob us of everything in the divorce process, and when that did not work out, she tried to kill my son too, because she knows she's going to inherit millions when he dies."
Sne stared at the woman in horror, did she seriously think that worse of her? She turned to Zoe in panic, hoping the detective came through for her.
Zoe grimaced and turned to the old woman. "Mrs Davids, that's a very bold accusation you are making. Be careful of what you say, otherwise, you might find yourself answering questions to which you have no idea about. Jorge Billings' case is a high priority, and at this point, anyone who's been in touch with him since he landed, is a suspect. That includes your son as well," Zoe said, and that shut the woman up.
"I would never ever try to hurt Kyle, Mrs Davids," Sne said before she left for the cafeteria, and Zoe followed her there.
"I thought being rich solved all problems, but I've been proven wrong in the last few days."
Sne got herself some coffee and sat on one of the benches in the hallway. "Not even close, more money means more problems; and a bitchy mother-in-law is not even half of it."
Zoe watched her like a hawk, it made her uncomfortable, because she could not tell what was going on in the woman's mind. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" She asked, taking out a small notebook from her brown leather jacket.
Sne gulped a chuck of her coffee, hoping it toned down her nerves. "I thought you already got everything you needed."
"I don't think so. You see, I've dealt with cases like this one before, where one partner was accused of trying to kill their spouse. There is always money involved, Ms Khumalo, and in 99% of the cases, that was the exact motive."
"I didn't try to kill my husband."
Zoe looked at her, a knowing glint in her eyes. "I know." Sne sighed in relief, finally, someone believed her, but as usual, she celebrated too soon. "But you are still on top of my suspect list." She bent over, with her hands decked on either side of the bench, caging Sne in as they looked eye to eye.
"I don't understand," Sne breathed.
"You are scared of something, and it has absolutely nothing to do with your husband's life, because we already know he is going to live," Zoe said. "You know something, and I'm going to find out what it is."
Sne gulped and lifted her chin, trying to act unaffected. "If you were as good at your job as you claimed to, you would be out there looking for the real murderer." Zoe stepped back, caging her victim with distrustful eyes. "Everyone knows that there's only one person in this city who hates my husband with passion." The look on Zoe's face told her that she had hit the right spot.
"You can't go around making accusations like that, Ms Khumalo."
"I'm not accusing anyone, I'm simply giving you my two cents, detective," Sne jabbed with new-found confidence. "I wouldn't put it past Logan Parker to get rid of competition. Who knows? Maybe he thought he was avenging his best friend, in blind rage."
"You have a point." Sne smirked proudly. "But we all know exactly how Logan takes out his rage, in case you need a reminder, try checking with your dear friend, Thuso."
Sne was starting to like Zoe Botha less and less with every passing second, she was digging into things that did not concern her. "Like you said, Detective Botha, Kyle is the only one who can point you to his killers."
Zoe gave a sardonic smile. "Of course," she mused. "There's just something I don't get, why didn't you call an ambulance right away? Instead, you drove him here yourself. If it wasn't for his concerned mother, I wouldn't even be here right now."
"There was no time to think, I panicked. He was laying in front of my gate, his car was right there, there was no time to run back to the house and call an ambulance."
Zoe nodded, although Sne could tell that she was not convinced. "Where were you when he collapsed?" She prompted.
Sne placed her coffee on the bench and stood up. "Detective, am I under arrest?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"No, not at all, Ms Khumalo. I'm just doing my job, finding your husband's killer."
"I already told you, I didn't do it."
"Like I said before, I believe you. However, I get the feeling that you did not want the police to get involved, and that bothers me." She put her notebook back inside her secret pocket as her phone blared up. "But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," she said, checking the caller ID. She dropped the call and shoved the phone in her pocket, locking her eyes on Sne once more. "However, if you are hiding anything from me, I am going to find out."
Sne threw her a fake smile. "I don't doubt that for a second, Detective," she gritted.
"Good. One last thing, I need to see the CCTV footage of your house and restaurant from the last 24 hours."
She pursed her lips, not at all impressed with the demand. She wanted to protest, but thought against it, if Zoe thought she had something to hide, she would find it. "At your service, Detective."
Zoe nodded before she left without another word.
Sne exhaled the breath she had been holding in since the woman started interrogating her, as if her mother-in-law's accusations were not enough, she had to deal with a detective that was looking for a bone where there was not any.
Kyle was her only hope, he had to wake up, or else, she was done for.

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