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She had to wait until they were gone, to leave. It was cold and stormy, and she was drenching-wet; she knew she was definitely going to be cold after this.

She did not know what she was thinking; she was on her way from Bon Appétit after Logan fired before she could start her night shift, when she saw her ex-boyfriend, Keagan, and his gangster friends in fancy suits and fancy cars, and she knew immediately that something fishy was going on.

Keagan and his friends caused havoc in Cape Town; they were street dogs and were only loyal to themselves and amongst themselves. They had never even worn a single suit in their lives or gone for a job interview. They stayed in the streets and hustled for a living through small jobs and selling drugs.

The last time she had seen Keagan in a suit, he pretended to be some rich man and robbed people of their money, until one day he was caught and sent to prison. When he got released after two years, he remained under the radar and worked for a few people, mostly businessmen and politicians, while he still pushed his side hustle with the guys.

The last time Shannon saw him was when she caught him in bed with Amber, and then she spoke to him a few days ago when he called her and asked for the Rolex watch he bought her on Valentine's day. She did not even bother meeting up with him, especially after she sold the original watch a day after he gave it to her, and replaced it with a fake from a China shop so that she could buy herself new sets of jeans and boots for winter, as well as buy some stash of weed and hookah pipe flavours to cool off. If she had met up with him herself, he would have killed her, but thankfully, she had a sister and best friend to run some errands for her.

She was going to stay out of their business, whatever mess they got themselves into, they would find a way out; they always did. Little did she know.

Her curiosity spiked up when she saw MJ Billings with them. They stepped into the car and left, and somehow, that did not sit right with her. "Queen Margery?" She thought. "What is she doing with them? Oh my God, what if they abduct her and kill her?" She ran across the street and hailed a taxi, and then followed them, only to find herself at Waltamate Cemetery.

MJ and the guys had freely walked into the cemetery, and they guarded MJ towards one huge tombstone she immediately recognised as Jorge's mother's since he had shown her the picture on his phone. MJ cleaned the head and placed fresh flowers, and then they stood there for a few seconds before they were ambushed by heavily armed men, Shannon immediately recognised as The Crocodiles, also known as Dikwena Da Madi; the most notorious and dangerous gang in Cape Town. Anyone would recognise them with their tattoos, hairstyles, clothes, and the way they carried themselves. Their leader was known as Mokwena, but some people called him Bra Mo; he was the most dangerous man in South Africa, and even Logan and Thuso stayed clear of him, although the later was not afraid of him since they were basically rivalries.

At first, Shannon thought of running to call for help, but thought against it; if they heard her or saw her, they would definitely kill her. She stayed rooted outside the cemetery and watched everything unfold through the fence.

Her heart raced as her mind drifted to MJ; what if they hurt her? She was not from here, and that placed her in more danger. This had Keagan written all over it; he had been running from Mokwena for quite a while now after he did something to provoke him while in prison, and now he had finally been caught and had dragged everyone else with him.

Shannon saw the men move MJ and her bodyguards towards some place at the cemetery, but something strange caught her eye; MJ was moving freely, no one held a gun to her head and she was freely conversing with Mokwena as if they had known each other for a long time. Shannon frowned, "Why is she so calm?" She wondered aloud.

Everything stopped for a second, and Shannon watched as MJ said something to Keagan whose eyes widened in horror, and Shannon could not understand why. MJ was so cold and unmoved as Keagan kneeled before her and begged her with tears in his eyes. She could not make out what they were saying, but she caught on the few gestures used; she could clearly see Keagan apologise to MJ, and the next thing, MJ knocked him on the head with her gun, and he fell into a hole with a thud. Shannon quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming, silent tears rolling down her face.

She watched in horror as all the other guys were thrown into the hole before they were covered in soil until they could not be seen anymore. MJ left as soon as the gang members started throwing the sand into the hole to cover the first six feet below, and Shannon remained to watch the rest of the show. She was frozen and numb, she could not even take out her phone to record with the fear that she would get caught.

The men closed the hole and covered it in cement before they left. By the time they were done, it was past 1a.m. and it was very dark. She waited an hour after they left before she went into the cemetery to look at their work, and she broke down and cried when she realised that they had been buried twelve-feet under.

She left the place and was further horrified when she found the taxi driver dead in his car after multiple bullet wounds. She did not know how to get home, so she sat at the back of the car until 4a.m. before she went home.

She arrived at home after 6a.m., exhausted and cold. Her mind was blank and all she could think about was what MJ did.

Why had she not listened to her brother? Why did she not listen to David when he told her that MJ Billings was dangerous? MJ Billings was capable of more than just cutting off someone's tongue; she could bury men alive – she was a murderer, and Shannon could not believe that she had stayed under the same roof with her and shared meals with her.

"Is this the time for a 19-year-old to come home?" Shannon jumped in fright at her father's stern and loud voice. She had been standing in front of the door like a zombie for the past five minutes, her mind replaying events of the past six hours like a mantra.

She stumbled into the house where her father, Zunaid, and her sister, Courtney, were standing against the kitchen counter, watching her with eyes of a hawk; but not even their burning stares could deter her – she had seen something deadlier than their eyes, something that chilled her bones to the core.

"Where do you come from, young lady?" Zunaid asked, and Shannon could not even look him in the eyes, afraid that something in her eyes would betray her.

She cast her eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry." She said in an almost inaudible voice, and Courtney snorted, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Sorry is not gonna cut it!" Zunaid barked, and Shannon jumped back, her eyes wide in terror. "What do you think the neighbours and community are going to say when one of my daughters comes back in the morning when we all wake up? I am a respected man in the community." He shouted.

"You should just be glad that I am alive." Shannon grounded.

"Don't get cheeky with me, Shannon, I'm your father, and as far as I'm concerned; I did not raise a stripper." Shannon flinched.

"You did not raise me!" She shouted. "And my father would have asked me if am okay the moment I walked that door before he could even start interrogating me." She yelled, trying her best to remain on her feet.

"Don't talk to my father like that!" Courtney interfered and pushed Shannon back.

Shannon moved on reflex and grabbed a knife lying on the counter, and then she threw it at Courtney. Shocked gasps escaped their lips as the knife grazed Courtney's hand, leaving a gash of blood, while Shannon stared in horror; her breath coming out rigged.

Zunaid touched his daughter's hand, gazed at the knife on the floor, and then looked at Shannon with burning eyes. "Get out." He said quietly.

"Dad, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to–"

"I said GET OUT! GET OUT, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN. GO BACK TO YOUR FATHER; YOU ARE NO DAUGHTER OF MINE!" Shannon did not even wait to gather her things; she stormed out of the house and ran as far as her feet could take her.

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