Parting Ways

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It was past midday and Jorge was seated in his house, thinking about everything that had happened with MJ. After Logan explained what had happened between him and MJ, it made sense why she would run away. Again. It was highly expected of her. He just wished she had warned him and told him where she was going.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by constant noise on the stairs. He turned to look back and felt the air being knocked out of his lungs at the sight before him. In front of his eyes, right at the end of the staircase, stood Anita with her luggage. His eyes remained attached on the luggage before they landed on her face, causing her to swallow hard. She gave him a small smile, and placed her bags on the side before she walked up to him.

Jorge’s eyes had gotten misty, and he constantly swallowed up the lumps that grew in his throat. A part of him wanted to believe that it was all a prank, but that would be a low stoop for someone as mature as Anita Simmons, either way he still hoped that this was a first to her many coming pranks. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day long.” She finally spoke.

Her eyes were just as gloomy and misty as his were. “You are leaving.” Jorge said as if trying to test her. He was still dealing with the fact that his sister had run away just because she could not handle her own problems, and she refused to face her past. Now, his newly found sister and friend was leaving him too; right when he needed her the most. “Are you going back to England?” He tried not to sound so hurt.

Anita handed him a note and a cheque. He frowned and took the two pieces of paper. The note did not say much, but enough to understand why she was leaving. ‘Life is too short to be a servant when you are born to be a ruler.’- MJ Billings.

The cheque contained a large sum of money. “I am going to New York to get my degree in Event Management.” She smiled weakly at him.

He handed the papers back to her. “I am happy for you.” He tried to smile, but failed miserably. It was all too much to handle. Knowing that she was not going to return to Billings’ Corporation made things even more harder. He was starting to get to know her, and he had begun to accept her as his second sister. He knew MJ probably felt the same way, and that if she had to, she would not let her go, but the Billings siblings knew better than to stand in other people’s way. “Let’s get you to the airport.” He heaved a sigh, and walked around the couch that separated them. He picked up some of her bags, took them to his car, and drove to the airport in heavy silence.

Once they arrived at the airport, they parked in front of the Billings’ private jet and the flight attendants helped them with the luggage. “I guess this is goodbye then.” Anita stated, her voice crackling.

“No, it is just a temporary separation.” Jorge said, his eyes getting misty all over again. “I am going to miss you.” He said and pulled her into a tight hug.

It is said that a man is not supposed to cry, that men do not cry. But to Jorge, crying was what made a man. Expressing your feelings was not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and a show of life. “Me too.” Anita sniffed, and pulled away, tears streaming down her face. Jorge took out a handkerchief and handed it to her. “You already lost the other one.” She said but took it anyway.

“Who said I lost it?” He chuckled, his voice breaking, nevertheless. “Have a safe journey, Annie, and take good care of yourself.” He hugged her one last time, and she walked into the plane. “Don’t forget to Skype me every day!’ He shouted, a smile on his face.

“I won’t! Take care of yourself, Jorge, and stay out of trouble!” She shouted back at him, causing a big smile to spread on his face.

“Mr Billings, you requested to see me.” Mark, one of their private flight attendants said to Jorge.

“Yes, I wanted to ask you about my sister- where is she?” Jorge asked.

“We don't know, Sir.” The man said, facing the floor.

“What do you mean you don’t know? Weren’t you the ones who took her?” Jorge snapped, annoyed that the man could not give him the answer he was looking for.

“We did, Sir, but as soon as we arrived in London, she boarded another plane; we are not sure where she went, and they refused to give us any information about her flight.” The man explained, still facing the floor. This was yet another blow for Jorge. His worst nightmare was confirmed. MJ had run away. Again.

His phone beeped in his pocket, and he quickly fished it out. “Oh, no!” His blood ran cold as he read the message.

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