Suspect Too

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For most families, breakfast was probably the most important occasion before everyone went their separate ways. It was probably even the most peaceful moment of the day before they all dealt with issues outside their family life.

But for her family, it was the worst thing possible to start the day with, and the day she escaped from that, was the best day of her life.

Zoe could never get used to the peace she felt everytime she woke up to a quiet house in the morning and returning to an empty house everyday after work.

However, luck was not on her side today. As usual, duty called first thing in the morning, and today it required her to crash the party at her twin brother's place. Unfortunately, they were all about to have breakfast.

The entire scene was just depressing; having her aunt, mother, and sister-in-law sitting around the table, with David playing referee between them was not something to look forward to.

They were just missing her and Shannon, because neither of them were innocent.

It's only for a second, Zoe! She thought as she stepped out of her car. She walked through the gate and was welcomed by none other than David.

"Are you stalking me?" He asked with a smug look on his face.

She rolled her eyes at him, he was clearly amused by this, he knew she hated these kind of scenes. "You are so full of yourself, David."

He laughed as he led her into the house.

Everyone looked surprised to see her, after her last visit when she came to drop Shannon off, they probably expected to never see her again, and they were not wrong. If this was not urgent, she would not be here; she desperately needed to speak to Shannon, especially after the conversation she had with MJ Billings.

"Zoe, I didn't know you were coming, otherwise, I would have made extra food for breakfast," Lola said with fake enthusiasm, but Zoe knew she was anything but; she did not want her in her home as much as Zoe did did not want to be there.

Zoe threw her a fake smile. "Don't worry about it, Lola. I'm fine, thank you," she said and pulled out a chair, joining the others at the table.

"Sweetheart, it's so good to see you. It's been a while. How are you?" Her mother greeted, and Zoe fought hard to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"I'm fine, mom," she said in a brittle voice.

Her mother did not seem to get the hint. "How is work and everything?"

"Fine." Zoe turned to her brother in question. "Where is Shannon?"

"Uhm... I think she went out for her morning run," Lola said as she took a seat.

For the first time ever, Zoe turned to her with interest. "Hmm... Does she always go running?" She asked casually, trying not to blow her cover.

Lola nodded. "Yeah."

"How often?"

"In the morning daily and sometimes in the afternoon, depending on how her schedule is."

Zoe narrowed her eyes, in deep thought. She was trying to connect the dots between the time Shannon left the house, got to the beach, and the time Jorge was shot. "Oh. Do you know her route?" She enquired, but her mother's accusing voice derailed her from her thoughts.

"Zoe, are you here as her sister or a police officer?" She asked.

"Mom-" David warned, sensing where this conversation was going.

Zoe shook her head at her brother. "No, David. It's okay," she said, turning her attention to her mother who was sitting across her. "I'm here as both."

Lillian sat back, shocked by Zoe's revelation. "How could you betray your own family like this?"

Zoe scoffed. "Mom, it is not my fault that you can't keep her on a leash."

"Zoe!" David warned once again.

Zoe threw David a sharp look that shut him up. "She has never been a good mother. Shannon was her only chance at redeeming herself, but she blew that up too," she said bitterly, and the room fell silent as the tension rose, engulfing the entire house.

Lola broke the silence by clapping her hands, causing Lillian to flinch. "Well, well, well... Would you listen to that. It would appear that you and I aren't that different, mother-in-law," she said proudly, a devious smirk on her face.

David shut his eyes, obviously pissed by the whole situation. "Lola, shut up," he said lowly.

His wife threw him an incredulous look. "Honey, I'm just stating the truth."

Zoe pushed her chair back, catching everyone's attention as it screeched against the tiles. "I'll wait outside, I'm sure Shannon is on her way." She stood up and walked out of the house, and then she went to wait in her car.

Less than an hour later, the power couple left in different cars, followed by her aunt, then the girls were picked up by their transport, and as expected, her mother stayed behind to look after Lola's baby.

Zoe was getting impatient, she wanted to get out of there, but there was still no sign of Shannon.

She was about to start her car when someone opened her passenger door, and she turned around in surprise. "Shannon?"

"I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw mom's missed call," the girl said as she hopped into the car, and then closed the door, leaning back against her seat. "What do you want, Zoe?"

Shannon was becoming less friendly every day, and it was not just with Zoe, but with everyone around her. And that worried Zoe a lot, not only because they were once inseparable, but because she had completely changed. She was always moody, paranoid, and at most times, defensive.

"Shannon, what's going on with you?" Zoe asked, but Shannon ignored her and turned to face the window. "What were you doing at Jorge's place?"

"I already told you, I was jogging."

"Why there of all places?"

"I've been going there for years now, if you don't believe me, you can ask Courtney!" She yelled, her eyes wide in wild rage.

Zoe was taken aback, this person sitting in her car was not her little sister. "Look, I'm trying to help you here."

Shannon scoffed indignantly. "And who said I need your help?"

"There are rumours going around that you helped Keagan to rob Jorge Billings."

That grabbed all her attention as Shannon turned to her, her face deadly white. "What?" She breathed.

"Sweetie, was it Keagan who shot Jorge? Do you know where he is?" Zoe asked tenderly, but Shannon shook her head in vigour while blinding searching for the door handle with her shaky hands.

She was hysterical. "I don't know, I don't know anything!" She finally opened the door and jumped out of the car. "I didn't see anything, just leave me alone!" She slammed the door and ran into the yard.

Zoe did not bother running after her, she was now worried, because Shannon looked frightened. Either the rumours were true, or there was something else going on. Whatever it was, Zoe was going to get to the bottom of it.

She started the car and drove away, her mind ringing with more and more questions than answers.

What was really going on here?

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