Back To His Senses

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His body ached and his head was pounding as if demanding for a release. His eyes felt heavy and opening them was pretty painful. Logan stirred up on the couch and groaned when a sharp pain ambushed his head.

His hand shop up at the excruciating pain and he reached for his head to pull at his hair like he normally did when he was frustrated, but his hand landed on a clear field. He frowned when he tried to grasp at his hair but only grasp into air. He fumbled his hand across his head, but there was nothing. His hand froze on his head and his eyes shot up in panic.

He sat up and glazed over the room in confusion. Where am I? He wondered. He was lying in what looked like a sitting room, two times smaller than his own bathroom. There was a three-piece brown couch set, a huge room divider standing against the wall with a TV, a DVD player; as well as various mugs, glasses, plates, jugs, and Tupperware containers filling the rest of the space. There was a small mahogany brown coffee table with matching small flower tables bearing flowerpots at every corner of the room.

Logan stood up and walked over to the window where he pulled the curtain to have a glimpse of where he was, and he was welcome by small houses of the same design. Government houses maybe? He thought.

"Nothing like your neighborhood, but it is something." A voice said, and Logan tensed.

How the hell had he ended up in the same house as this woman? "Well, to save yourself some time and energy, you don't have to look so troubled; it did occur to me that you were too drunk to remember anything from last night." Antonina said. "I called your driver and he will be here to pick you up." She said and turned to leave.

"You said I needed space to heal." Logan said, and Antonina stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder.

She studied him for a second and smirked. "I got you a few things to get you started for the day." She said.  "I'll prepare breakfast while you wash." She turned around and walked into her kitchen.

Logan moved away from the window and stood at the door that led to the kitchen, watching Antonina gather things for breakfast. "Mrs Dos Santos?" He called, and she threw him a look over her shoulder.

"You can call me Antonina or Ants." She said, and Logan cringed.

He cleared his throat moved his hand to run it through his hair, but he stopped mid-air, remembering that he no longer had hair. He dropped his hand and gave her a tight-lipped smile. "One day at a time, Mrs Dos Santos."

Antonina chuckled, but did not say anything. "You'll get used to it!" She called after him as she heard his steps retreat in the opposite direction.

The bathroom was different from what he was used to. Unlike his own bathroom, the walls were not tiled and had watermarks due to steam, the tiles on the floor were old and cracked, the basin was lopsided, the bathtub looked old and the ceramic was peeled off, but most importantly, there was no shower.

There was a tray with various bathing materials as well as a toothpaste and toothbrush holder; and there was a small carpet on the upper wall with two shelves and two mirrored-doors containing various toiletries like shampoo, foambath, body lotion, deodorant, body spray, hairspray, and disinfectant for washing the bathtub and basin.

Logan sighed and picked the plastic bag that was left for him on the basin, peeking at its contents. There was a new toothbrush, a bathing cloth and soap.

"Classic." He muttered dryly.

He stood in front of the mirror and admired his new hairstyle, grinning at how he looked, but cringed when he caught sight of his teeth. He proceeded to brush his teeth and bath, and then he joined Antonina in the kitchen.

"I hope you did not find my bathroom offensive." Antonina said.

Logan rolled his eyes and took a seat. "No, not at all." He said while looking around her kitchen. "But it doesn't have a shower, and your bathtub is too old, and your basin is broken."

Antonina smiled and shook her head. "Rich people." She muttered quietly.

Logan grinned at her. "All I'm saying is that it wouldn't hurt to renovate."

"Renovate for who?" She placed a bowl of oats in front of him, and proceeded to seat opposite him. She said grace, and they started to eat. "I am old and I'm not gonna live forever. I have no child or..." She looked up and found Logan staring at her intently. "What?" She asked.

He shook his head and cleared his throat, then took a spoonful of his oats. "Just thinking that I haven't had this in a long time."

"You had oats for breakfast?" Antonina asked in surprise. "I mean don't you rich kids eat fancy breakfast every morning? You know, the likes of bacon and toast." She raised her brow.

"Haha." He said dryly. "I had oats for breakfast."

"I can't imagine Montana or Cameron eating oats for breakfast."

"They never had to." Antonina bit her tongue and gave him an apologetic look, but he brushed it off. "I am not exactly a Parker." He said. "I was adopted." Antonina's eyes widened in surprise.

"I don't understand; I thought you were..." Logan shook his head and took a sharp breath.

"I've told you my story; what's yours?" All colour drained from Antonina's face and she gulped.

Shaking her head, she stood up and pushed her chair back in. "I'm sorry." She said before she dashed out of the house.

He shrugged and continued eating his oats. Whatever it was she was hiding, Antonina would surely tell him when she was ready.

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