Naked Truth

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MJ knew she never made the best decisions under rage, but that never stopped her.

The anger was nothing new to her, but the pain that came with it was brutal. She thought she had played Logan, that she had the upper hand all this time, while in reality, she had fallen straight into his trap.

He used her most vulnerable side to deceive her, because he knew her past would always haunt her.

She wondered what he would do if he knew the rest of the story, she remembered telling Blair how she feared how Logan would look at her once he knew her darkest truths, but now she was more worried about what he would do instead; would he device another plan to deceive her?

The first thought after leaving that restaurant was to call Blair and tell her what happened, but she did not want to feel vulnerable again and find herself confessing things she feared to admit even to herself.

Ever since she made her initial return to Western Cape, she had never stepped outside Cape Town, perhaps she had when they kidnapped her, but she was still not sure where she was held.

The only time she left Cape Town was when she went to Jo'burg for her birthday party.

This was the first time she was driving out of the Mother City all by herself without Liam driving her, or her bodyguards tailing her. She knew Jackson was in the city, but for some reason, he was keeping his distance, although she knew that someway somehow, he still kept watch.

She was still glad for the space though, she needed her space, especially with everything happening. Jorge was still in hospital, there was still no word from Aaron McEnroe Junior, and now there was this whole thing with Logan.

If only one thing could work out, she would be happy.

The drive was quiet, with the exception of the classics playing from the radio. The music kept her awake so that she was not completely lost in her thoughts.

She kept her eyes ahead as she drove up to Beaufort West.

It had been thirteen years now since she was last here.

This was one of the remaining family houses she grew up in, and she anonymously bought it from Jorge a few years ago when he put it on the market.

This was the same house that brought her to knees all those years ago, the one place that held answers to all her misfortunes.

It was the very beginning of her pain and worst fears. It was the one thing in this world she wanted to set on fire more than anything.

It was a simple, single storey house that took up space enough for two yards as compared to all the other compounds in the neighborhood.

It was painted in simple white paint, and red tiles adorned the roofing.

The yard looked deserted, she had not exactly been taking care of it; no one had been here since the day Jorge handed the keys to the new owner.

The interior of the house was beautiful as expected, and fancy.

Although dusty, everything was just as MJ remembered, nothing had changed. The furniture was still arranged the same way as it was the last time she was here; the only thing missing were the family portraits and both Jorge and MJ's graduation pictures and certificates from school.

MJ walked through the wide hallway, all the way to the end where her old room was located, and she stopped in front of the white door that had a small notice board on it.

Behind that door laid demons and monsters she was not yet ready to confront.

She ran her fingers over the tiny black letters crawling on the brown background. It read: 'Live each day as if it was your last. Laugh, Love, and most importantly, DANCE!'

She ran her fingers all the way down to the doorknob, with no intention of opening it, and then she turned around and walked down the hallway right opposite her room, to a door that was standing there all alone.

The laundry.

She opened the door and entered without hesitation, and then she turned on the light.

The old-fashioned washing machines and dryers were covered in plastics, which were in turn eaten up by dust, but what caught her attention was a huge steel door on the wall, that looked like a circuit box.

MJ opened it and switched on the light on the side, illuminating the staircase that lead down into the basement; she entered and shut the door behind her.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" A raspy voice came from deep within the basement.

The basement was nothing like she remembered, she had it remodelled a while ago, it was just one open space that resembled an underground parking lot.

There were steel shelves on the wall, with glass door displaying nothing at all besides the bare interior, and one in particular which had food parcels. There was also a small wooden dinner table with two wooden chairs on either side, as well another stand at the far corner with a microwave oven and a two-plate stove on top, and it had two small doors and drawers at the bottom.

A bar fridge stood firmly against the wall, and there was a kitchen sink next to it.

The one thing that stood out in the entire space was the wide empty pool, and at the centre of the pool, there was a chair drilled to the ground, with a very familiar blonde bound to it.

MJ stood behind one of the pillars and watched as the journalist looked around in panic. "Is there anyone out there? Please help me!" Sasha cried.

"There is no one here," MJ spoke from the shadows, and Sasha went brittle at the sound of her voice. "At least not anyone coming to your rescue."

Sasha gulped as MJ stepped into the open, her rapid breathing cancelling out the silence. "What do you want from me?"

MJ dragged a chair from the table and placed it a few centimetres away from the edge of the pool, and then she plopped down, facing her companion or rather, her hostage. "I didn't come looking for you, sweetheart, you came to me. So, the real question is, what do you want from me?" She asked. "Not many people have ever had the guts to approach me, not even for a simple greeting. I've heard from whispers that I always have an angry face. But you, you came up to me, and I don't believe it is because you know something about me," she paused, taking in the woman's sullen face. "So, I'm going to ask you again; what do you want from me?"

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