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Home was not a peaceful place anymore, there was too much chaos, and things were getting worse with each day.
Her husband was becoming more and more aggressive, and she feared that soon, he would cover her body with bruises the same way their boss did with his face.
Logan Parker had awakened the monster that was her husband, the Thuso she feared more than anything. He was always angry, and he tended to be irrational and violent under such conditions.
Mosetsana wished she could run away and go somewhere safe until everything calmed down, but she had to take care of his children, if only she could just send them off to their mother, but that would be signing her own death sentence, Thuso would kill her.
She did not know what to do, a part of her wished she could negotiate with his second wife and ask her to help since she was the only one who could ever get through to him, but she did not want to share him again.
It was bad enough that he was already interfering with her job, it was only a matter of time before Logan realised that she was barely around, and he would fire her without second thought.
Her eyes wandered to her two friends sitting in the new canteen, they looked like they had everything together, they never had to worry about losing their jobs because they were besties with Logan Parker.
How she would give anything to stand in their shoes, just for once; to him she was nothing more than Thuso's wife and his secretary. She smiled sadly, picked up her from her desk, and then headed to them.
"What's going on with you two today?" Mosetsana asked as she joined Lola and Natalia at the canteen.
This was now part of their new routine since La Café was closed because of the shooting. Now they were forced to eat at the office; Logan had hired staff and opened up a canteen to accommodate everyone.
Everyone was still trying to adapt to the new routine, especially since things had changed a lot. Security had doubled in all the places surrounding La Café, especially at Parker's Enterprises, and Logan was not providing any form of information.
Lola sighed dreamily. "What is wrong with being happy?" She asked, her face glowing as she spoke.
Mosetsana smiled and shook her head. "I haven't seen you this free in a long time, you are even glowing." Lola shrugged. "That good?"
"You have no idea." They both laughed and turned to Natalia who seemed to be lost in thought. "And you, what crawled up your butthole this morning?" Lola asked Natalia.
"I've been wondering the same thing. Good for you, you don't share a desk with her," Mosetsana jumped in.
"Natalia, is everything okay?" Lola asked worriedly.
Natalia sighed, pushing her dark hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry, my mind is not here," she said tiredly.
Mosetsana rolled her eyes. "We can see that, but what's wrong?"
"It's just...I'm confused." They both looked at her expectedly. "Am I the only one who's noticed something different about Logan?" She asked.

Coincidentally, they both scoffed, with Lola going back to her food without a word, while Mosetsana sat back with her arms crossed.
"You mean besides going around beating up people?"
"It's not just that. Has anyone of you ever wondered what happened to May Smith?" Lola went still, and Mosetsana frowned as she recalled the strange woman. "It's like everything changed when she arrived, and then things got worse after she disappeared."
Now that Natalia mentioned it, there was something off about that woman. The day she arrived marked the beginning of a new age as things started to take a dark turn in the Cape.
One look at Lola, she knew there was something big going on behind closed doors. Even her husband had been more vigilant when the woman was around more than he had ever been in the past years, she even believed May Smith was the reason for the tension between Logan and her husband.
"You think so?" She quipped. "I was convinced those two were going to get married."
"Believe it or not, me too," Natalia agreed. "I even thought he was going to leave Carmen for her."
"Don't you find it strange though that Sonya left right after her? In fact, a lot of people left including Demi and Jameson Petersen."
Natalia nodded enthusiastically. "Tell me about it, even Carmen ended up in hospital, and we haven't heard anything about her."
Lola cleared her throat and got up. "This talk is getting boring," she said angrily before storming out of the room.
The ladies stared after her in shock. "What is wrong with her?" Mosetsana asked.
Natalia scoffed. "Probably that her husband's dick alone isn't enough," she said spitefully.
Mosetsana stared at the Indian girl in shock. Had she missed something?

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