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'I want you to find direction in your life, I want you to get back on the road you lost. Isn't that what you want?'

She pondered over the question, she had been trying to live a normal life all these years, but she had no idea how.

She was scared of normal, which is why she always found a way to push away anyone that tried to get closer to her.

The reality of getting attached to someone and having them in her life constantly, scared her. She was comfortable with Cameron being that person, but she got too close to him and now she was paying the price. She felt empty without him, it was as though he held access to every single door in her life, and now he had left them all wide open, allowing for cold air to seep through.

The world was too congested without him to tell her to take it easy. She just hoped he was safe wherever he was, he was probably on his way to Cape Town.

She waltzed into Billings Corporations, her mind in a million places. Her thoughts came to a halt when she collided with a hard wall, luckily strong arms saved her from falling.

"What the–"

"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, Miss Billings." A eerily familiar voice said.

"MJ, are you okay?" She subtly pushed away from Jorge, looking around in confusion.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"I'm actually on my way to the airport, I'm going back to Cape Town," Jorge said. MJ's heart dropped to her stomach, he was leaving her too. "I just came to drop these off." He handed her a set of files.

MJ quickly scanned through the files. "That was quick," she said.

"It was an easy job." He laughed and shook his head. "Congratulations, sis. I didn't expect you to get the building running so soon, but you did it." MJ stared at him, dumbfounded. What the hell was he talking about? Brianna had not– "I was surprised to receive the broadcast to return to the main building today. Everyone is still in shock."

MJ felt like dropping to her knees and thanking the heavens. Brianna had agreed to work with her.

"Yes, it came as a shock, but everyone is excited to be back," Mahalia added. "Not everyone is here yet, others are still gathering their stuff at the sister branch. But they'll be here soon."

"Big case?" MJ asked Jorge, and he nodded.

"Kyle and Snegugu's divorce. The families want to solve everything between themselves, so I'm representing both families."

"I see." She nodded slowly. "I'll see you soon, I guess. Good luck with your case." They hugged, and he left.

She watched him drive away and then turned towards the girl she bumped into. It was a short and petite African American with rich natural hair.

Her energy reminded her so much of Anita, that was why she could never bring herself to forgetting her name. "Mahalia," she greeted with a nod.

"Yes, Ma'am," the girl replied in a soft voice.

"Please meet me in my office in 30 minutes." She said stalking off to the elevator.

MJ never spent too much time in the IT department, sometimes she even went on for months without visiting their floor. The IT department took the entire floor right below her office and they monitored every single thing that took place in and outside the building as long as it was linked to Billings Corporations.

Now she wished she had been monitoring them on the constant, maybe she would not have found herself in the Samantha saga. She was good at computers, but she could not do everything on her own, her business demanded her attention.

"I need an update on everything that's happened over the last few hours, what's going on here?" She questioned as soon as she walked into the main hall where stacks and stacks of different computers decorated the walls in every corner.

"Miss Billings," Brianna greeted with a bright smile, and MJ found herself relaxing at the sight. "Thank God you are finally here, I've trying to get hold of you, but I ended up contacting your brother. Do you mind if we speak in my office?"

MJ nodded. "Lead the way."

They walked to Brianna's office which was unlike any other office. There was computers and screens everywhere, it was as if she kept record of everything.

"Please, take a seat," she said, gesturing towards the small desk at the corner.

MJ sat down and watched as Brianna shuffled some remotes on the table until she picked one. "I've checked progress on everything that's happened within the last three months just to see where my team and I needed to place focus on. We've found minor issues, but nothing serious," she explained while scrolling down the screen of one screen. "My team and I have been working the whole night. I hope you don't mind, but I've stopped the traffic to your last video and put out the cancellation of your announced interviews for young computer nerds."

MJ sighed and ran a hand over her face. "Gosh! I'd completely forgotten about that. It's been a long month," she admitted. "But please, see if you can conduct a few interviews to expand your team, it may not seem like it right now, but you are gonna need more people in the long run."

Brianna nodded. "I understand."

"Uhm...I think you are on the right track." MJ pushed her chair back and stood up, fixing her dress. "Welcome on board."

Brianna stood up and they shook hands. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," MJ said sincerely.

"Don't hesitate to contact me should you need anything." MJ pondered over that for a second. This had been bugging her for some time, she really needed to know how Cameron was doing. She was not sure if Jackson's security team were tailing him, but she had noticed them following her at a distance since last night.

"Actually, do you think you can track down someone for me? His name is Cameron Parker and he left last night, but I am not sure where he went to."

"Consider it done, I'll keep you updated."

MJ nodded in gratitude before leaving for her office. She went through all the contract terminations from the previous shareholders, everything was finalized, she had literally twenty-five percent on a lease, but she had no idea what to do with it.

She needed to appoint new board members and think of the business on a broad spectrum, it was about time she made some changes.

She spent the day going through all the possible candidates fulfil the positions, but she was not getting anywhere. Her mind was starting to buzz, and her anxiety was kicking in.

She opened her bag to search for tablets when she realised that Blair had thrown out all her pills. She had no other choice but to go back to her now, because even her body was starting to feel the pressure.

She quickly packed everything away in shaky hands and was about to leave when Mahalia knocked on the door.

"Miss Billings–"

"Not now, please!" She breathed as she rushed out, leaving the girl behind with no further explanation.

The Billionaires Too (#2)Where stories live. Discover now