House Pt.2

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When Cameron volunteered and signed up to be MJ's temporary PA and Secretary, he had no idea that part of his job description was to play detective by day.

"Relax, will you!" MJ spoke through her teeth, pulling him to her side before throwing a sweet smile at the real estate agent. "Honey, this house is huge, don't you think?" She said in a sickly, sweet voice that somehow went well with her fake personality.

She was wearing a short red leather skirt, a black blouse, a leopard print leather jacket, knee-length brown leather boots, a silver-blond wig topped up with a red hat; and to finish off her look, she wore thick, brown shades and a red lipstick.

To spice up her alias, she was chewing a gum, blowing out a bubble after every two minutes; one of the things Cameron hated about this role-play, especially the chewing.

Him on the other hand was dressed in a full, black Armani suit. He was playing a rich man, Damian Sands, who recently moved to England for business, along with his wife, Harriet Sands.

They were looking for a big, modern house, family friendly and safe. And who to help them find their dream home if not for the best real estate agent in town, Brianna Grayson, or as Cameron preferred to call her, Blondie's sister-in-law. This was the fifth house they were viewing for the day.

This was all Liam's fault for reporting to MJ about seeing Brianna and Javier Mendoza together, he should be the one playing house here, not Cameron.

This little information grabbed MJ's interest and she started to look into Brianna's past, and interestingly, she found some pretty interesting stuff about her. Turned out the perfect sister-in-law was a wolf in a sheep's clothing.

As for Cameron, he found her quite attractive. According to him, she was hotter than Blondie, and throughout the whole tour, he kept his eyes on her butt to MJ's dismay.

"If you want my advice, she's married," MJ said, unable to hide the annoyance in her voice.

Cameron chuckled. "Does it matter?"

MJ obviously did not like that answer. "Let's get this done with."

They followed Brianna as she took them through the history of the house and its previous owners. "This house was owned by the late Alastair Cooper and his wife, Sandra Cooper. They used to host it as an orphanage and sheltered homeless kids from all over London, so as you can tell, it is a great house to raise your children," she said with fake enthusiasm.

"You think?" MJ asked, earning herself a jab from Cameron.

"I know of a couple of people who grew up here and are successful, and I'm not just talking about the house, I'm referring to the neighborhood and the schools. It is the best secure area in all of London,' Brianna continued, unaware of MJ's hostile stare.

"Children, you say?" Cameron asked.

"Yes, how many have you got?"

Cameron turned towards MJ with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Six."

Brianna looked surprised, her eyes landing on MJ's stomach without intending to. MJ looked uncomfortable while at the same time she looked like she wanted to rip someone's throat out.

"Six?" Brianna asked in masked shock. "Then this is the perfect house for you!"

MJ was obviously getting tired of the pretence. "No, it is not really my taste; I already spent too much time here," she said.

The agent turned towards MJ with a frown. "Excuse me?"

MJ stepped forward and removed her glasses, giving the agent a chance to have a good look at her. "Tell me, Mrs Grayson," MJ said, all the pretence gone from her voice and face. "Do you have any children?"

"Great!" Cameron muttered under his breath.

Something in her eyes told Cameron that Brianna recognized MJ, whether from seeing her face somewhere before or from her voice. "I- I'm sorry, but I don't– I think I'm gonna ask you to leave," she blurted out, taking a cautious step back while looking around for an exit.

"Come on, we were just getting started." MJ approached her like a predator.

The poor woman looked like she was ready to run to the back. "I already have a potential buyer for the house," she said defiantly.

MJ threw her head back and laughed, a genuine, fascinating laugh. She sighed and wiped a non-existent tear from her face. "I believe you have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl–"

The panicked look on Brianna's face was frightening. Cameron frowned, why was she so scared of MJ if she had never met her before. MJ never really shared what she had discovered about the woman, just mentioned how it was important to meet with her without her knowing who they were.

"What did you do to my children? I swear if you touch a single hair on their heads, I'm gonna–"

"You are gonna what?" MJ raised her voice. "Scream this house down? Shoot me? Call your brother?"

The woman's face ashened in visible horror as she stared at MJ. "Who are you?" She croaked out.

MJ whistled and shook her head. "I'm the woman whose company you hacked."

Cameron turned to MJ in confusion, what was she on about? His question was answered when Brianna made a run for it while screaming at the top of her lungs.
"Somebody help!" She did not make it to the door before Jackson captured her and covered her mouth and nose with a white cloth.

Cameron turned to MJ in horror as the woman collapsed in the bodyguard's arms.

"Take her to the office, and make sure she's comfortable," she ordered Jackson before he carried the woman out of the house.

"MJ, what are you doing? This was not part of the plan, it is kidnapping!" Cameron yelled in panic.

"It is not kidnapping when the hostage complies." He stared at her as if she had lost her mind. She called that compliance? "I have to stop somewhere before coming to the office. I would invite you, but you just witnessed a woman being kidnapped; that's enough horror for you for the day," She said, putting her glasses back on. "Now, go on with them and make sure the guards are gentle with her, we wouldn't want her to bump her head against the door or the carpet by mistake, would we?" She fixed her glasses and walked out of the house, leaving him with unanswered questions.

If MJ had somewhere to stop, he definitely had somewhere to stop too, after all, she was not the only one on a mission.

He walked out of the house and joined the bodyguards outside. "Hey, Jackson! You guys can go on without me, I'll catch a taxi from here; there's somewhere I need to be," he said.

The bodyguard gave him an uncertain look. "But Miss Billings said we should keep an eye on you," he said.

Cameron fought the urge to roll his eyes. "It is fine; I'll go with Mark. Taxi!" He hailed a cab and hopped in with the bodyguard. If MJ will not tell him the truth, he would discover the truth on his own.

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