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To say he was shocked when he walked into his office and found an unexpected guest would be an understatement.
“This must be a dream come true, I suppose,” MJ spoke up with her back turned against the young man, her eyes trailing over the tall buildings in the city as she faced out the huge window.
It always amazed her, she could never get used to the thrill of being on top, no matter where she was. The power she felt every time she was on the highest floors of a building, every time she stood to see the beauty of a city stretching out into the distance, the enormous buildings, the parks, the waterfalls, the busy streets; it reminded her just how much she contributed to it all, and not just the finance that comes with it, but being part of history and having built a legacy.
People could talk and think of her however they like years from now, but it would never rewrite the history; she was a legacy, and the world would never forget that.
“Which part? Having an enormous office in one of the has-been best companies, or having the most sophisticated businesswoman in the entire world standing in my office on broad daylight?” The young man quipped, a glint in his eyes.
For the first time since he has known her, she cracked a smile, not a smirk, but a bright smile that made her look younger than her years. “Mr McEnroe, you flatter me.” She turned away from the window and crossed her arms. “Tell me something, do you believe in dreams?” She asked, her eyes staring at him expectedly. “From the day you were born, to when you woke up this morning, how many dreams have you had that you wished were true or would come true when you came back to reality? And how many, if any, have you ever tried to bring to life?”
She always found him intriguing, there was something about him she could not pin down, perhaps it was because he looked like her. They shared the same fate, their skin colour made the world question their identity; Aaron had dark tanned skin as compared to his father's pale white skin, and he had a strange blue-green eye colour and frizzy brownish-blonde hair. His accent was a bugger too since he did not sound Irish at all, he had spent almost his entire life in England and only came to Ireland when he joined his father's company.
Her question took him by surprise, he stared at her in awe as if she had just told him she was madly in love with him. He cleared his throat, seemingly lost for a moment, and then he gathered himself together and stood up straight, a new sense of confidence oozing from his body. “Ms Billings, I…” He scratched his eyebrow and smiled, his eyes spelling mischief. “I don’t believe in superstitions, it’s not really my card.”
She tilted her head slightly, and the corners of her lips twitched momentarily, and then it was gone. She was once his age, she passed this stage too many times to count, but then he had one thing she lacked when it came to her demons, confidence. “Well, you should consider yourself lucky then,” she muttered, “I’ve been here before, thought nothing could bring me down. That was true for the longest time, but eventually, my monsters started to catch up with me. You know,” she paused, her posture relaxing as she took a seat on the chair opposite his. “There’s a saying that goes: A dog can never outrun its tail no matter how fast or far it runs.” He scowled at her, she was speaking as if she was hundred, and her eyes backed-up her narration. As if reading his thoughts, she added, “Circumstances. Life can turn you into a 200-year-old grandma in seconds.”
“What is your point exactly?” He enquired, walking around his desk to his seat.
“I had a very interesting visit from one, Javier Mendoza, a few days ago.” Aaron tensed, and MJ knew she had him exactly where she wanted him. “From what I gather, he is one of your business partners, correct?” She mused.
Aaron nodded and loosened his tie. “Yes. Yes, he is.”
MJ needed allies, that was a fact, and it took her loved ones to be in harm’s way for her to finally admit it. She was used to working alone, being in control of everything, but lately, she seemed to have lost her grip. Aaron McEnroe Jr was not her best chance at survival, but he was the best chance of keeping her company running while she continued playing cat and mouse with her demons.
She did not trust him, but he was an intelligent young man with a great vision and an innovative mind, and that was exactly what Billings Corporations needed at the moment, especially with Alastair gone and Jorge in a critical condition.
“I read your thesis and research, it’s brilliant,” she said with enthusiasm after a minute of silence.
Aaron narrowed his eyes and sucked on his teeth, and then he proceeded to drum his fingers on the desk. He did not like how she was too quick to switch up subjects. “What did Javier want?” He asked.
“I’m glad you asked.” She leaned back against her chair and crossed her legs, and watched him intently. “He came to my office one night, wounded and covered in blood. I suppose maybe he was looking for his sister, Anita Simmons, but she resigned a while back. I was conflicted and didn’t know what to do, I mean, it’s not everyday one of the world’s most notorious businessmen rocks up at my office and begs me to save his life.” His jaw ticked profusely, he was probably wondering why Javier never told him this. “He wanted to trade information for his life, and he told me about your mission.”
He tensed and his entire demeanour changed, his veins popping out as he gave her a murderous glare. “Are you here to threaten me?”
“On the contrary, no.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Your father is a great businessman, I never for once believed that he would let his legacy crumble like this. I have to admit, I have never liked you and I was disappointed when I learnt that Mr McEnroe Snr handed you the company on a silver platter,” she admitted, “But then after learning from Javier that you were sabotaging your own inheritance, I started to see you in a different light. You are a brilliant young man and you could have the world at your feet if you like. I mean, betraying your own father, that takes a special skill.”
He gave her a wary smile. “Why are you here?” He asked quietly.
“I am here to help you to complete your mission.” She searched her bag and retrieved two items, it was a gas lighter and a small bottle. “There are vacant shares in my company, they could be yours if you are willing to work for them,” she said, pushing the items towards him. “If you choose to do this, Javier Mendoza can never find out about our conversation.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Burn this place down.”
He pushed his chair back and stood up abruptly. “What?”
“Like I said, you are going to have to earn them. It’s not such a big deal, I’m only helping you to fasten the road you’ve been treading on for a while now. I’m simply offering you a new beginning. But first, you have to let what was, be. Burn this entire place down, make McEnroe Construction Company history.”
“Are you even listening to yourself?” He ruffled his hair and puffed out. “What you are suggesting is crazy, what if I get caught?”
MJ snorted indistinctly . “You managed to make an entire fifty floor building collapse, and all you had to do was to switch expensive material for cheap ones. I’m sure you will work something out.”
“You know, I always heard stories about you, but…” He shook his head and sighed tiredly. “How do I know that you won’t back out once all this is done?”
“I’m a woman of my word, Junior,” she mused. “I’ll have my lawyer draw up a contract as soon as possible, then you can decide from there.” She picked up her handbag from the desk and stood up, and then turned to leave, but he stopped her.
“And that?” He pointed at the small bottle next to the lighter. “What is that for?”
MJ stared at him unblinkingly. “That is the last nail to the coffin, dear.” She walked towards him and stood toe to toe with him, he was slightly taller than her and well-built compared to the last time she saw him. She removed his tie and threw it on the floor, and then proceeded to fix his shirt. “Everything in this world has a price.” She stepped away from him and retrieved the bottle from his desk, and then she opened his hand and placed the bottle, and then she whispered in his ear, “It is untraceable.”
His blood ran cold, but before he could answer her, another voice spoke up. “What is going on here?” MJ tensed for a second before quickly recollecting herself, she turned around and came face to face with the one and only Javier Mendoza. “What is she doing here?” He bellowed.
MJ rolled her eyes, so much for saving his life, Aaron stepped forward and stood between them, but not before slipping the drug in his pocket. “Javier, I don’t think you have met before.” MJ smirked, resisting a smile. “This is MJ Billings; Ms Billings, Javier Mendoza,” he introduced them.
Javier Mendoza staggered a bit, if it was not for the walking stick in his hand, he would have probably fallen.
The tension in the air was heavy, not even a knife could cut through it. There was an imbalance in the power dynamics, but more than that, there was something else, a strong sexual energy, and they all felt it. “Fancy meeting you here, Mendoza,” MJ said sultry, and Javier swallowed, causing her to smirk deviously.
“You damn witch, you don’t waste time, do you?” He asked, biting his lower lip, and then he gave a sly smile.
“Watch yourself, Mendoza. We wouldn’t want a repeat of last time now, would we?” She asked sweetly.
“Is that a threat?” He demanded, and she snorted.
“It is a promise.” MJ moved closer and stood in front of him. "If ever I feel attacked or threatened, I'm going to strike back. I'm gonna to make it pour so hard, by the time I'm done with you, you will curse the day my name was birthed. That’s all am saying, sweetheart,” she whispered and kissed the corner of his lips, and then she walked out of the office, leaving him in a disturbing stance.

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