Letting It All Out

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Kyle Davids was devastated. He had not seen his wife since the night of the launch, and his parents were on his case like hungry lawyers. Not to mention the media; he was slightly surprised that his attacker, Sasha, had not yet written anything on him since the article about his affair as well as the retraction article.

Having run a full clothing company and brand for over six years, he had never run into a situation as this one, where his clients dump him for big events; it was worse than when he had to send his best designer, Jameson Petersen, away.

The Khumalo-Davids Designers was losing a lot of money over their fertility scandals and at this, a lie. Now more than ever, he wished he had not agreed to merge their companies, but it was his parents' and not his. He wished it never came to the point of marrying Sne; they were good friends and may have dated for a while before calling it quits, but their parents were good friends and pushed to keep their friendship bound for years. And what better way to do it than marrying their children and merging their companies?

This was supposed to last forever, but it had already started on the wrong note because Sne had to give up the love of her life while Kyle had to give up many of his habits and lifestyle. They were both steered in the direction their parents wanted, and that did not work on their favour.

At one point, their parents suggested that they should have children; this was after three years of marriage, and it made things worse between him and Snegugu. Getting married and keeping appearances was okay to the both of them, but bringing innocent children into it was a different story. It meant that they had finally had to consummate their marriage; something none of them dreamt of doing, thus having an open relationship, although keeping that one detail from their parents and the public.

They had both wanted out for a long time, but they could not do so; and now that they did, they were both starting to feel the weight of their decisions.

Kyle waited inside the spacious office while watching his wife interact with customers downstairs, through the blinds. He arrived at Five Stars about two hours ago, and she had been keeping him waiting for more than an hour.

If only she had not moved back to her parents' the night of the launch, they would not be playing hide and seek like children.

As if sensing him watching her from her office, she gave him a brief look and sighed visibly before looking away. It was only fifteen minutes later when she waltzed into the office.

"Finally." Kyle muttered with a heavy sigh as he approached her and then gave her a hug.

Sne hugged him back, and they stood like that for a while before she broke the hug. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting; I just didn't know what to expect or what to say, honestly." She sighed and gestured at the small dining table in the office.

They both stalked to the table and sat opposite each other, their eyes locking.

"I know; that is why it took me so long to come to you." Kyle said gruffly, and they remained silent. "I'm sorry about what happened, I had no idea she was going to do that."

Sne drew in a sharp breath and smiled sadly. "You couldn't have known." She offered. "This is us basking in our own mistakes, Kyle. We are to blame for this; we fooled our parents for years, and now we are paying for it." She shook her head, her blonde dreadlocks bouncing with the movement.

Kyle leaned forward and grabbed a strand of the long dreads between his fingers, and stared into her dark eyes. "We shouldn't have let things get this far." He muttered while playing with the lock. "We should have divorced as soon as the company was stable and they started talking about children." He drew his hand back and leaned against his seat.

Sne sighed and ran a hand over the soft, rich, deep tan arm in hopes to sooth her nerves. As necessary as it was, this was not a talk she was ready to have, especially after the dreadful conversation she had with her parents.

Kyle Davids was not a bad person as the media made him out to be. They had planned to fake his fertility results, but it was a secret between the two of them; how that woman got hold of the fake results, was beyond them.

The media was in a frenzy, and their parents were just as clueless as anyone absent from this meeting. "We will get through this." She offered, although she knew she was lying to him. It was a battle zone, and it was either his family or hers; and it was not going to be hers.

His Adam's apple bopped up and down as he gulped, a sickening feeling thrusting his stomach as guilt swept in. He did not want to betray Sne, but after his family had him do more tests, they wanted nothing but to throw the Khumalo family under the bus. "I hope so; I truly hope so."

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