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After all these years of working from dawn to dusk every single day, MJ had never experienced this kind of exhaustion. It was not just physical or mental, but emotional exhaustion.

It was as though something in her had snapped, and she invested her emotions into her work for the past three days. She had never thought with her heart before, but with everything she held dear seeming to slip farther away from her, she needed to compromise.

It had been such a long week, especially with the encounter with Logan Parker earlier in the week, Jorge, the Mendoza siblings, and Liam. She could only hope her efforts did not go to waste, and her that her company would be rolling down the red carpet soon.

She dragged her feet across the underground parking, her bodyguards following right behind her at a slower pace which made her even more tired.

She reached for the door that led to the stairs and turned around to face the men. "Jackson, I think you guys should take the rest of the night off."

The big man's muscles tensed, and his jaw ticked as he tried to process her information. "No," he responded stoically, but MJ was too tired to even react.

"Listen, it's been a long day and we are all tired. I understand that things have been bad for the past few weeks, and I appreciate all your support and protection. But please, once in a while, I'm going to need you guys to keep your distance," she said tiredly.

Jackson bowed his head. "I understand, Miss Billings. Goodnight." He nodded at his men. "Guys, let's go. Miss Billings, we'll be down the road if you need us," he said before disappearing into the shadows.

MJ sighed and shook her head. Stubborn bastard! She thought as she jogged up the stairs before stopping in front of the apartment sliding glass door. Why was it dark? She thought.

A cold shiver shot down her spine and she wetted her lips. Had she made a mistake by letting the bodyguards go? Surely Javier Mendoza could not have tracked her down so fast? Did his sister think twice about her offer and decided to call her brother?

Cameron loved his lights, unfortunately. He hated sleeping in the dark, which was why his apartment was solar-charged. She only hoped that if there was any danger, he was fine.

She turned away from the door and took off her heels, and was about to walk away when the lights went on, revealing a shadow of a man standing at the other end of the room while watching the inhabitants of London at night.

MJ sucked in a breath and slid open the door, walking into the room in quiet footsteps. She did not know why she was sneaking in, the person had probably turned on the lights because they saw her standing outside.

Her heart pulsed when she realized who was standing by the window. "Cameron?" She said with a relieved sigh as she dropped everything on the dining table. "Gosh, you scared me. Why were you sitting in the dark?" She asked, slowly walking towards him.

"I needed to think," he muttered without turning to look at her.

The way his voice sounded sent alarm bells in her head, it was as if something had died in him.

"Hey, are you okay?" She dared to asked, but he did not respond. She frowned, not knowing what to do next. "I have something that might cheer you up," she said, her conversation with Brianna coming to mind.

He slowly turned to her, his eyes burning into her soul. "Are you going to tell me what happened in Cape Town?"

MJ was taken aback by that question, she literally sucked her breath. "Uhm..." She cleared her throat and shook her head as if to check if she had heard him correctly. "W-what?"

He tilted his head to the side, a slight smirk gracing his hollow face. "It's so funny, how do you walk around and pretend as if everything is okay with all the shit you get up to during the day?" He asked.

MJ flinched as if she had just being stung by a pointy pin. "Cameron," she tried to reach for him, but he took a huge step back as if he could not get far enough away from her. "If this is about Brianna, she's back home safely with her family. I did not hurt her."

He nodded mockingly. "And that's supposed to make everything okay, right?"

"W-what? What's going on here, what's wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with YOU??" Her heart skipped in fear as his voice rose to an octave, his muscles ticking in fury. "You made me believe you were going to Cape Town in peace, that you and Logan were on good terms. Only to find out that you went there to turn his life upside down!" He yelled.

MJ stood there frozen as word after word hit her senses. Of all things she wanted him to find out, this was not even part of the list. "Cameron, I can explain," She said in a broken whisper.

"Explain what, MJ, huh? Paying someone to fake her pregnancy just to get back at Logan?" Those words rocked her world, and she found herself leaning against the table for strength. How did he find out? She wondered.

She would have rather he found out about the bodyguards than this, because she felt that her actions were justified. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to get this far, I–"

"Haven't you learnt anything in the last few years? I don't understand how one person could be so...conniving!" She jumped back as his voice echoed in the entire apartment.

For the first time ever, MJ had no idea how to defend herself. "Cameron, I–"

"Save it! I know that nothing that's gonna come out of your mouth is of any good." He picked up a black bag that MJ had somehow missed on the floor.

Her eyes widened in panic as her worst fear was confirmed. She was losing him too. "Don't leave, please don't leave," she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"Give me one good reason why I should stay here." She remained quiet. "See–"

"You are the only person I have left!" She said hastily, and Cameron shook his head.

He walked towards her and held her face. "There are so many people out there who would jump over the cliff for you, but you choose not to see it. You need help MJ, you need serious help," he said with a sad smile. "And I'm afraid I cannot help you." He dropped his hand and stepped back. "I spoke to your therapist, she said you could come and see her whenever you are ready."

"At least tell me where you are going," she cried.

"I'm sorry, MJ," he said before dashing out of the apartment.

MJ dropped to her knees as his footsteps faded, leaving a huge space in her heart. She quickly got up and picked her handbag, and then rushed into the night.

The Billionaires Too (#2)Where stories live. Discover now