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"Mrs Dos Santos." MJ said, her smile not faltering. Antonina groaned as she pulled away.

"I swear, if you didn't look this beautiful, I would smack the life out of you." Antonina threatened, a smile gracing her face. "Call me Antonina or Ants, child!" She scolded and led MJ to a table. "How are you?" She asked as they sat down.

MJ sighed and stared at her hands as she spoke. "Honestly, I don't know." She chuckled quietly, running her tongue over her lips. She was just confused. She was even thinking that maybe she didn't belong here or anywhere else. South Africa was her birth place, shouldn't she feel at home at least? Things were better when she used to be May Smith, she didn't feel left out then.

"And Logan?" Antonina asked, smirking.

MJ snorted, "That's why I'm here." A smile tugged at the corner of Antonina's lips as she stared at MJ knowingly.

"I used to act the same way with Rodrigo." She blurted out. MJ narrowed her eyes at her, daring her to say anything else about love. Once Antonina started with her love stories, there was no way out.

Understandingly, she put up her hands in mock surrender and muttered something in the lines of 'today's youth'. "I just dropped by to say hi, I couldn't go back to England without seeing you again." MJ stated.

Antonina furrowed her eyebrows and looked at MJ, confused.

"You are going back to England?" She asked, her mind drifting to the young man she left in her home.

MJ nodded. "This is the last place I want to be, right now." She sighed.

Antonina said 'oh' and nodded slowly. "What about Logan?" She blurted out and quickly recollected herself when MJ stared at her with a questioning eyebrow. "I mean, you said that's why you were here."

"Oh, yeah." MJ sighed, and Antonina subtly did the same, scolding herself for her forwardness. "I heard he was staying with you."

"Yes. Uhm... aren't you going to sit down?" Antonina asked, pulling out a chair, but MJ raised her hand and shook her head.

"No, I actually have to be somewhere else right now." MJ said hastily.

Antonina eyed her business outfit; she was wearing a formal black suit consisting of long pants and a matching jacket. "Business?" She asked, and MJ quickly shook her head.

"Well, something like that. Listen, I'm sure by now, since Logan is staying with you, you must have already heard about Carmen."

"You mean what you did."

"To make it simple; yes. But I didn't come here for a lecture, I came to ask you to take good care of him."

"You are not a bad person, you know that?" Antonina said.

"Is that so?" MJ asked.

Antonina gave her a sad smile. "It's a pity, you are not a good person either."

"Touché." MJ said with a small smile. "It was good seeing you, Ants." She said and strode out of the café before Antonina could say anything.

Antonina watched as MJ hopped into the big, black car, surprised that she had so much men following her. 'Guess escaping death by a wink does get to a person after all.' She thought as she watched the two cars leave.

She spotted Shannon coming from Bon Appétit, but before she could call her, she hailed a cab and hopped in; driving in the same direction as MJ.

MJ sat at the back of the car, her mind running wild with thoughts of what she was going to do, and yet, her heart fluttered with joy; there was no remorse or pity, just anticipation to see the look on their faces when they discover what they got themselves into.

Her gaze flickered onto the funeral bouquet on the seat, and she gave an excited sigh, her eyes wandering to the rear-view mirror to glance at the cars following them.

"Where to, Miss Billings?" The driver asked.

"Let's pay my dear mother a visit." She said.

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