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"I'm sorry, maybe we got off the wrong foot," MJ said in a welcoming voice. She was even surprised herself that she felt rather calm after meeting with Javier Mendoza. It was nerve-wrecking at first to think that she was going face to face with one of the world's most notorious drug lord and arms dealer.

She was aware of his existence, but she preferred to stay clear of the Mexicans throughout the years; living on the run was just not her style.

Javier Mendoza was bad news. He was probably the worst man she had ever met, but their meeting today proved that no man was necessarily untouchable. He was deceitful and vengeful, but somewhere deep down, she knew he had a weakness – his heart. There was more to him than what met the eye, but she had more time to get to know his skeletons.

For now, her main priority was to get her company back up and running so that she could attend to the more demanding and bloody stuff.

"My name is MJ Billings, and I'm the owner of this huge establishment. I understand that you may be quite familiar with its daily rounds, but please allow me to take you through it." She sighed, wondering how she got here. "Honestly, this was not how I planned this," she laughed bitterly and shook her head. "Jackson, please leave us alone."

The bodyguard turned to her, his eyes wide in disbelief. "But, Miss Billings–"

MJ nodded. "It's okay." She gave him a reassuring smile.

He gave Brianna a suspicious look, then turned to MJ and nodded firmly before he walked out.

MJ sighed in relief.

"You know, I've consumed more alcohol in the past few weeks than I have in years," she said while pouring whisky into two glasses.

She walked towards the couch and handed one drink to her new acquaintance before sitting down next to her.

Brianna gulped down the drink in one go and then got up to pour herself another glass, drinking it at once. She leaned over the table with a deep breath and lifted her head slowly to meet MJ's eyes as if searching for a memo to the questions that were about to hit her ears.

She quickly broke contact and went to stand near the window, lost in the view of London nights. "When I was young, my parents were murdered by a rival gang in Mexico," she spoke quietly. "That was the beginning of my real life. Growing up, my brother and I never wondered where all the money came from, or why our house always had strange visitors, different people every day. They always kept us at a safe distance, our house was so huge, we literally spent years without even entering some of the rooms. I remember the first time I was introduced to cocaine." She took a deep shaky breath and hugged herself as if her arms could shield her from her dreadful past. "I was only 6. We were playing hide-and-seek with some of the girls that usually came with my father's friends. I ended up hiding in a room stacked with cocaine from floor to ceiling, I didn't know what it was. Someone had dropped a small packet on the floor, and I picked it up, thinking it was icing sugar."

MJ watched as her shoulders tensed.

"After my parents died, things just spiralled out of control. My brother and I ended on the streets, and then moved from one foster parent to another, until we eventually lost each other." The unsubtle change of topic piqued MJ's interest, but she did not comment on or push the matter. "My brother messed with the wrong crowd, and was lost to the streets. He was the only family I had left, but I'd hoped to never see him again. His reckless choices forced us to go our separate ways, because his people would have killed me." She chortled and shook her head. "I had to learn to survive on my own at a young age, I proved to myself that I didn't need him or anyone to fend for me. I built a life for myself, but now he's back to ruin it."

From the little she knew, MJ figured Brianna was in more danger than she thought. Anyone who associated with Javier Mendoza was bound to get hurt.

Her day job as a real estate agent was putting her in the open and made her an easy target to Javier's enemies. She seemed to have as much secrets she had to protect just as her children.

She had so much to lose with no idea to prevent it from happening. One way or another, the two of them were so much alike.

Their names were poison.

"Do you regret what you did? MJ asked.

Brianna shot her a blank look and laughed coldly. "Regret?" She snickered. "If I had the chance to do it, I would do it over and over again."

MJ nodded, pondering over the answer. "Maybe we can work together," she blurted.

Brianna turned to her in surprise. "You must be joking."

MJ replied with a raise of her acrostic eyebrow. "I don't have the luxury for jokes, Miss Mendoza."

Brianna tensed, and MJ knew she had her exactly where she wanted her. "Mrs Anderson," Brianna corrected with a clench of her fists.

MJ snickered. "No human being has ever been born with a ring on their finger " She pursed her lips, her jaw ticking. "Everyone has a past. And for someone of your reputation, your reputation could be deadly."

"Speaking from experience?" Brianna countered, daring challenge in her eyes.

MJ cackled and shook her head with a roll of her eyes. Was this some sort of a family thing? Her brother had asked her the same thing not more than two hours ago. "Your work as a real estate agent leaves you exposed, look at what happened today. You are lucky that it was me, it could have been some sick cutthroat. Do you think your brother would have resurrected you to be with your children?" Brianna tensed, all the colour draining from her face. MJ smirked subtly, she did not have to make any threats to get her mind working. "How many people besides you do you think are strategizing on how to ruin me? My company is my most priced possession; I would do anything to protect it. Just like you would do anything to protect your kids." She stood up and walked towards the window, coming to stand next to Brianna. "You and I are alike in many ways than you can imagine, we both know what's at stake," she said. "Maybe we can work together, take over my IT department, and I'll make sure that as long as you are within my circle, nobody touches you."

She almost felt embarrassed when she said the last part. Funny how Alastair still managed to die while in her company. Who was she fooling? No one was safe for as long as she was around. She quickly brushed off that thought, right now, she needed to think about her company. Anyway, it was not like she and Brianna were friends.

"Quit your job as a real estate agent, and then come and work for me. I..." She trailed off. She was not good at encouraging people to do something without enforcing or threatening them. Sue never had to ask for anything, and now she was forced to humble herself before her enemies. 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer,' the cunning part of her reminisced. "I know it is a lot to take in, but please think about it. I need to get this company running soon," she said with urgency in her voice. "Jackson!" Brianna jumped in fright as MJ called her bodyguard.

Jackson walked in while MJ retreated to her desk. "Please take her home, and make sure she gets there safely."

Jackson nodded and gestured for Brianna to follow her. "Will that be all, Ma'am?" He asked.

MJ looked up from her documents. "Is Liam here?" She asked.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Please tell him to come and see me." Jackson bowed slightly and walked out with Brianna on his tail.

MJ sighed in relief as soon as they vanished from view. What a long night! She thought as she scrolled through her phone, she had not heard from Cameron all day, and that worried her. Hopefully everything was fine.

She only hoped Brianna would consider her offer.

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