Pointing Fingers Too

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For the rest of the day, Logan had planned to never set foot in the hospital again, especially after the conversation he had with Zoe earlier. He might have acted unbothered, but deep down, he knew Zoe's words had hit home.

It was even worse after learning that Jorge was in ICU and barely alive, while Kyle was also admitted due to poisoning.

Why was everyone around him getting hurt while he remained untouched? Was he really cursed?

It would be better for him to stay far away from the hospital and from everyone, however, that would have to wait until he picked up the old lady first.

He had completely forgotten that she was getting discharged, and as her immediate next of kin at the moment, he had no other choice but to see to her safety.

He walked safely into the hospital and visited Antonina's ward without running into Zoe Botha this time, and to his disappointment, Antonina was not there.

"This woman," he grumbled and turned to leave, only to be greeted by Sne.

Had she followed him here? He did not see her around the reception area or anywhere when he arrived. "Is there a problem?"

She was looking at him like she was ready to kill him. The composure and elegance she carried earlier yesterday was nowhere in sight, she was dressed in tracksuits, her dreadlocks were left loose, and her face was bare of any make-up, making her look older and tired.

"How dare you ask me that?" She seethed.

Logan raised an eyebrow at her, unshaken. "Because the only person who looked like she's ready to kill, is you. So, why don't you just go ahead and spit it out. What's your problem?"

She jabbed him on the chest, hatred written all over her face. "You. You are my problem. My husband is in hospital because of you!" She shouted.

Logan laughed humourlessly, trying to convince himself that she was just distressed. Why the hell would he try to kill Kyle? He hated him, but not to that extent.

"How is all this my fault, again?" He quipped.

"I'm going to make you pay for what you did, I swear!" She stormed out of the room, leaving him dumbfounded.

What the hell just happened? Logan wondered and shook his head.

He waited in the room, and over five minutes later, Antonina finally decided to grace him with her presence.

"Hey, I just saw Kyle's wife storm out of here, is everything okay?" She asked worriedly.

Logan glared at her. "Thank you for taking your time."

She rolled her eyes in response and continued packing her bag. "Technically, you are late. I was supposed to be out of here by 12p.m., and it's almost 4p.m. now."

He frowned, glancing at his watch, and then he shrugged. "You could have taken a taxi."

"How? To where? I don't even have the keys to my house, I left them in the office when..." Her voice broke up, and she violently shoved her clothes in the bag and zipped it up.

Logan grimaced, he had forgotten how she was the most affected by the whole thing. She may probably not even know that she was the target, but the trauma was there, especially since she only survived by a second.

She had probably been thinking about the mass funeral since the first day.

"I was here this morning, but I ran into Zoe in the parking lot," he said in an attempt to change the topic.

Antonina sighed tiredly and sat on the bed, facing the door. "What did she want?"

He laughed and shook his head, piqued at how strange this day had been since it started. First it was Zoe, then the woman from the restaurant, and now, Sne. What was it with these women?

"She said I was cursed."

"She said that?"

"Well, she went on about how everyone around me was getting hurt; MJ, Kyle, Jorge, you-"

"Hey, hey, hey!" He did not see when Antonina climbed off the bed, but she was in front of him in seconds. "Listen here..." She held his hands and kneeled down. "There are horrible people out there, but I know you are not one of them. You can't blame yourself for everything that happened to us," she said soothingly, and then grimaced. "Well, maybe except for what happened to Jorge. Otherwise, forget about that curse. Zoe is just trying to get you to crack, she's desperate. At this point, she just wants someone to pin everything on." She squeezed his hand, and then got up and grabbed her bag from the bed. "You know, the power doesn't lie in the words, it lies in the reaction. People say provocative things to see how you react, and when you react badly, you give them power, you show them which buttons they need to press in the future."

Logan nodded and grinned at her. "You know, for once in your life you are actually saying something with sense."

Antonina gasped dramatically and glared at him. "Bastard."

"Well..." He stood up and searched his pockets, pulling out a set of keys. "This bastard has the keys to your house," he said, dangling them in the air.

"Lucky bastard."

He laughed and grabbed the bag out of her hands. "Exactly. Now let's get you home. I have work to do."

"Work?" She did a once-over on him, and he followed her trail.

Well, he was not exactly dressed for the office, especially after the hectic night he had. From drowning his sorrows with alcohol and almost spendinga night with an old fling, something he swore to never do again, he left the hotel in the morning and went to Antonina's place, and then he grabbed the first thing in sight.

Faded blue jeans , a black long-sleeved shirt, and sneakers were not his day to day style, but it was what his hungover mind settled for.

He sighed and slung his arm over her shoulders, and led her out of the room. "Don't ask." They walked out of the hospital, with Antonina greeting everyone on the way. "Is there anyone you don't know?" He thought aloud.

She shrugged. "What can I say? It's good business. Guess you could say nothing passes me in this town," she gloated, and Logan stared at her in wonder as she buckled on her seatbelt. "Are you going to stand there forever or are you going to get in the car and drive us home? I'm sure you are tired of this place just as I am."

He nodded in agreement and got in the car. "Tell me something, what took you so long? Did you go to see Jorge?"

"Yes, but I didn't go in. I just got to glimpse at him through the door."

"How is he?" He asked, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.

"I won't lie to you, things aren't looking good; he's in ICU. I heard from one of the nurses that at this point, the only thing keeping him alive are the machines."

Logan felt his chest closing up on him as he replayed recent events. Jorge was in this mess because of his thirst for revenge. If Jorge died, Logan would never be able to forgive himself.

What was he supposed to do though? How was he supposed to deal with all the betrayals without causing extreme harm?

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