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Returning to South Africa was the last thing on her radar after so many years, and probably the worst mistake in her entire life. She had no idea what to expect, except for the smug look on her brother's girlfriend's face when she realised that she had her exactly where she wanted her.
MJ Billings was not the one to be easily swayed about, but she had her limits and weaknesses, she had secrets that could never get out, and that was where some people got her.
She wished they would all ask for money like any opportunistic person out there, but this one in particular was not at all interested in that; she wanted to make MJ's life miserable.
The traffic from the airport was quite hectic, but MJ was glad for the delay as she was not ready to face her enemy yet.
Her phone blared up, knocking her out of her silent moment. She sighed softly when she read the name on the screen. "You have been quite scarce as of lately, anything interesting happening in your life?" She answered without greeting. "You and Sandra working things out?"
"And you are more inquisitive than I remember you to be." A rough, deep voice came from the other end.
"Well, I am your daughter, aren't I?"
There was something different in her adoptive father's voice, he sounded more lively, which was rare in all the years she had known him.
Normally, she would think that maybe he nailed a deal he had been after for years, but that was not it.
"Let's just say, I've revived someone I've been missing for too long; my old self. I've found a reason to go on," he said cheerfully.
MJ rolled her eyes, glancing at her watch for a moment. "I thought I was your reason."
She could just imagine the mischievous glint in his small blue eyes. "A better reason."
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You are not doing anything that's gonna affect our businesses, are you?"
"Your phone was ringing a little bit funny, where are you?" MJ remained quiet. "No," he breathed, frustration ringing in his voice. "Sonya? I don't understand why you won't let me get rid of her."
She clenched her teeth and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Don't you think I've thought about that before?"
"Then what's stopping you? This woman has been terrorising you for years now, and you just continue bending to her will."
"If anything at all happens to Sonya, her people are going to release all the information they have on me. I am not willing to take that risk."
There was paused silence on the other end before he spoke again. "When are you leaving?"
MJ looked outside the window as the car pulled up at a traffic light. "I've already landed."
"And how long are you going to be gone for?"
That, she was still to find out. She sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She could really use a bath and some sleep right now. "I don't know."
"Then take your own sweet time, and use this opportunity to find out who exactly her people are; once you find them, we will take them out  first." As if it was that easy. "Remember to keep a low profile."
That had never been a problem at all, MJ was good at keeping in the shadows, he had nothing to worry about. "Thank you, Father," she muttered with a tight smile.
"You are earnestly welcome, daughter."
"Take good care of the business, and make sure to keep an eye on Anita Simmons and Meryl Anderson."
"Consider it done."
"And, Alastair?"
"Stay out of trouble."
She replayed that phone conversation over and over again in her head. Why did this keep happening to her? Why did she not smell the trouble from a distance. That phone call was the first warning and it led to all this mess
"May Jeanette," Sandra called, only to be greeted by silence. "Honey, say something, you are worrying me." She turned to Blair in worry.
MJ had not said anything since she heard the news of Jorge's shooting, she had not even shed a single tear, only zoned out for hours.
"She's been like this for hours, I thought maybe I should call you," Blair said.
Sandra shook her head and smiled sadly. "I'm afraid I won't be of much use to you, MJ and I are not that close; I'm the last person who could reach out to her."
She never wanted for him to get hurt, as much as she was mad at him for his unending atrocities, he was still her brother. Yes, she had made threats and dangerous promises from rage, but she never intended to keep them. She had many reasons to ruin Jorge, but she could never find it in her to do it.
She could not believe this was happening, especially after what happened to Alastair; she could not bare to bury another loved one.
She was lost for words, her thoughts and nerves were rumbled up, she could not help wondering who was responsible.
She had undoubtedly made a lot of enemies in the last few weeks, Javier Mendoza was the first to pop up in her mind, but he did not know who she was; his sister was not that much of a threat either.
Her former business partners did not have any dime to their names to be putting out assassinations, especially from a prison cell.
If Esperanza and the people behind the bank robbery were responsible, they would have let her know; she already gathered from their last encounter, that they loved leaving messages, besides, Esperanza was not stupid enough to make such a daring move with Liam on her tail.
She could not think of anyone else, there was quite a small number of people that knew about Jorge's trip. She thought about Logan, but she knew he was capable of killing someone with his bare hands; his anger issues did not permit him to use a weapon, he enjoyed being in control, he loved channeling his rage, and guns and bullets were no match to the blood rush he felt when fighting someone.
Her eyes landed on Sandra, and she remembered their last conversation after Alastair's memorial service.
Aaron McEnroe.
The man might have had a vendetta against Alastair Cooper, but he would never harm Jorge. He adored her brother and worshipped the ground he walked on; Aaron McEnroe saw Jorge as the son he wished he had.
He loved him to the extent of trusting him with his company.
But that was the issue, the company. He was most probably counting on Jorge to save McEnroe Construction Company, unbeknownst to him, his own son was tearing it down.
MJ would have been happy to help Junior destroy his own inheritance, because he was stupid and arrogant; at least that was what she had thought when she first met him, only to find out that he was anything but.
Aaron McEnroe Junior was a cunning, deceiving young man who was on a road rage to destroy his father, and what better way to do it if not ruining the one thing he cared the most about in this world? His company.
Javier Mendoza had told her everything under desperate moments, he was probably going crazy trying to find her.
She only prayed that neither him, nor Junior were involved in her brother's assassination attempt after she told him to send MMC a new offer that would save the company, derailing their plans.
What if they tried to kill him, because they thought he was a threat?
She got up in a haste, dropping the fleece blanket Blair had wrapped around her, on the couch. "I have to go," she said without meeting their eyes.
"I'll come with you," Sandra said.
MJ looked at her and shook her head. "No, I'm going alone. I have business to attend to."
"Business?" Blair inquired, "I thought you were going to South Africa."
MJ shook her head and picked up her purse. "I have an important meeting in Ireland."
"What?" Sandra quipped, her forehead creasing as she tried to piece together MJ's words.
"An important meeting? MJ, what could be more important than your brother? Jorge needs you!" Blair said in a desperate plea.
"What am going to do there?!" MJ yelled, and both women stood back in shock. "I am no doctor, my presence will not save him. If anything, it will kill him!"
"That is not true," Sandra said.
MJ swallowed and shrugged, a weak smile on her face. "How would you know that? You were not there when Alastair died." Sandra staggered back, a pained look on her face. MJ looked at her, and then at Blair. "Neither of you were," she declared before walking out of the low-cost apartment.
She had just reached the end of the stairwell when Blair came running after her. "MJ, wait!" MJ shut her eyes, but stopped anyway. "Listen, I understand that this is hard for you, and that you need time for everything to sink in," the therapist said tenderly. "But promise me that you will call me when it gets too much. Don't bottle things up, you are not alone; I am here if you need anything, not just as your therapist, but a friend as well. Okay?"
MJ was not too sure about that, that was what Samantha had said to her before when they met, but she was in South Africa right now, scheming behind MJ's back. "I will keep that in mind, Blair."
"Good." Blair placed a soft kiss on her cheek and then rushed back upstairs. "Safe travels!"

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