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The sound of the clock ticking with each passing second, was the only thing that made sense. It obstructed the silence and darkness that came with the night.

Nights like these were the worst, especially when there were no stars in the sky; MJ felt alone and transparent. When the stars were visible, she would push time by counting them and making constellations; it made the night go quicker.

But it was dark, and all she could do now was to walk around the house like a zombie all night, holding on to her teddy bear. At some point, she thought changing into comfortable night clothes, would make her fall asleep. But each time she closed her eyes, all she saw were Alastair's dead eyes.

It was one nightmare after another. She could never remember the last time she had a peaceful sleep. She stood against the window and watched Cameron as he snored softly into the night, and she wondered; what would it take for me to sleep like that, like there was no care in the world?

She sighed and closed her eyes, hugging her teddy bear while standing against the wall. She listened to the clock ticking away and Cameron's soft breaths, and before she knew It, she was lost in a world of dread.

"MJ?" Someone shook her up.

She bolted up and pushed him with a force of a wave against the tide. "Don't sneak up on me!" She yelled, her eyes wild as an owl.

Cameron stood back in surprise. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he muttered repeatedly. "MJ, calm down."

MJ stepped away from him and pulled on her hair while pacing back and forth. "You don't sneak up on me, you don't sneak up on me!" She murmured to herself.

"MJ," Cameron called softly, and she shut her eyes. "Breathe," he encouraged. "It is just me," he paused. "Cameron." He said cautiously as he approached her. "I'm here, and nobody is going to hurt you"

"I only closed my eyes for a second, I didn't want to go back to that place,"

"I know."

"I didn't want to sleep, I swear. I just closed my eyes for a second." When she finally got tired of pacing, she sat down at the table. Cameron waited for her to calm down before bringing her a glass of water and her medication.

"Here, take this," he placed the tablets in her palm, and she swallowed immediately and then took the water and drank it. "I'm gonna make us something to eat."

MJ watched as Cameron ran around the kitchen area like a lost cause. He had so much energy as if he had not just gotten out of bed. Cameron was the exact opposite of his brother, Logan Parker. While Logan was organised and disciplined, Cameron was a living mess; his place was always a mess, he was irresponsible and he was by far, the most terrible cook MJ had ever known.

"I'm going back to work today," She said.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" He asked.



"Is that all you are going to say? Okay?" MJ asked, surprised. Cameron was a blabber, the fact that he did not say anything, was new.

"Is there anything I can say to change your mind?" He asked.

MJ sighed, he was right; nothing he would say would change her mind. "I'll freshen up while you finish up." She pushed back her chair and stood up before she headed to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she stood in front of the mirror to fix her hair, and the sight that greeted her was unpleasant. Her eyes were sunken from lack of food and they looked tired due to not sleeping, but that was nothing makeup could not fix; after all, it was not like she ever slept.

She sighed and tied her hair up before going back to the dining table where Cameron had already laid down his mock of an English breakfast. The eggs were brown, the bacon too dry, and the toast was a little burnt.

MJ plopped down on the chair opposite him and started eating, she swallowed a piece of eggs and tried not to gag.

"So, I've been thinking," Cameron spoke up while trying to cut a piece of a bacon. "Since you are going back to work today, maybe I should step in as your temporary PA and Secretary until you find replacements for both Anita Simmons and Meryl Anderson."

"Samantha Grayson," MJ corrected.

Cameron rolled his eyes. "So, what do you think?" He looked up expectantly.

MJ took a sip of her tea, her eyes fixated on the table. She knew what he was trying to do, he wanted to keep a close eye on her after everything that's happened. She understood his concern and she needed the help, but she did not want to put his life at risk; someone out there was targeting her, and Alastair paid the price of being with her. She could not risk losing Cameron too.

As if reading her thoughts, Cameron said, "Alastair's bodyguards will be there, in fact, they are outside as we speak." MJ took in a deep breath and looked at him with pleading eyes. "MJ, I don't want anything to happen to you, from now on, I am going to stay by your side."

"You don't need to do that."

"I do. MJ, do you have any idea how devastated I was when I read the headlines saying you were dead? When I found you passed on the floor, I was terrified." His eyes turned red as he spoke. "Please, just let me do this."

MJ sighed and dropped her culinary. She wanted to tell him about all the qualities that made him bad for business, but thought about it, maybe it was not such a bad idea. Cameron was very lazy and always cracked under pressure, she was going to bury him in work until he decides to let her be.

"Fine." She grumbled.

"Yes!" Within a mere second, Cameron was out of his chair and hugging her from behind. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He cheered.

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "Let's just hope your office skills are not as bad as your cooking, 'cause to tell you the truth, Cameron, you are a terrible cook."

"I know." Cameron encountered with a kiss on the cheek, and she smiled.

The Billionaires Too (#2)Where stories live. Discover now