Heart To Heart

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Logan thought he knew what had gone wrong, but as each day passed, he ran out of ideas of what might have happened. But from the way Cameron had urged him to look into the matter, he was keeping himself under control from bursting out in anger.

He had thought of all possible reasons why MJ ended up in hospital that night, but no one backed him up. He remembered that Reina and Jorge were there that night; he tried to talk to them then, but they did not give him answers.

Everyone was telling him that it would be better if he asked MJ himself, but after everything she put him through, he did not want to speak to her or see her ever again. And if it was not for his brother's persistence, he would not have reached out to her, especially after she was openly hostile when he called her.

He could still remember how her voice reverberated with hatred when she asked him where he had gotten her number and what he wanted. It was only there and then that he realised that MJ Billings hated him; how she managed to hide it while she was in Cape Town the first time, was beyond him, and even now standing in front of her, it was hard to believe that this was the same woman he saw three months ago. After what happened with Montana and Chad, he did not think she would agree to meet him.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked sourly, her face hard.

They were currently in his office after MJ declined the offer to go out to dinner with him, Logan had gone as far as suggesting that they meet on his yacht, but thought against it after MJ asked if he was not scared that she would drown him.

"The night of the farewell party." He said quietly, and MJ went still. She looked at him with hard eyes burning in cold fire, and her jaw ticked. Heavy silence surrounded them, and MJ grabbed her handbag and rushed to the door, but Logan's desperate voice stopped her on her tracks. "MJ, I'm sorry for not picking you up that night. I don't know what happened, but whatever it was...I'm sorry." He said.

MJ clenched and unclenched her fists, her breaths becoming rigid. It had been thirteen years, and that very night was the night that ruined her entire life. MJ was always the person to avoid confrontations, especially if they had something to do with her past. This was not the same as the dread she felt when she had a fight with Jorge or when she had to tell Logan who she really was. This was worse than being kidnapped and tortured, or being dumped at the gravesite; it was worse than being almost hit by a car.

"Whatever it was?" Her cold voice cut through the thick silence, causing Logan to shudder visibly. She turned around to look at him, and the look in her eyes caused him to gulp. "Whatever it was?" She repeated.

Logan inhaled sharply and gestured at the couch. "Please sit."

MJ barked a humourless laughter, and Logan flinched. "Sit down?" She asked, raising her voice. "What? You think I'm not strong enough to take whatever bullshit you are going to feed my curious ears right now?"

"That's not what I meant, I-"

"Listen, either you say what you called me here to say, or I'm walking out this door." She said, her hand clutching the door handle in a tight grip.

Logan nodded and gave a small smile. He slipped his hands into his pants pockets and leaned against the mahogany desk. "I don't know what to say, and that's because what I'm doing right now; apologising to you is not a game, otherwise I would have practiced some bullshit poem from Shakespeare -"

"Like you did years ago." She cut off.

Logan frowned and scratched his nose. "What -"

MJ threw her handbag on the couch, and Logan watched silently as she took off her overcoat and placed it on the couch before she sat down and crossed her legs; giving Logan her most calm look. "You didn't need Shakespeare in order to win me over thirteen years ago, Logan." She said, "You knew me better than I knew myself, and you used my dreams, my passion for dance, and my insecurities. You gave me what I needed, support - something my family refused to offer, but you - you were always there, and that's what made me fall in love with you." Her voice softened as she said the last part and her posture relaxed, a sad smile gracing her pale face. But dark shadows appeared over her face as soon as she peaked at Logan's flushed face and her voice roughened. "All you had to do was call, let me know you'd changed your mind, you should have sent someone to pick me up, but you didn't. You went ahead and partied all night."

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