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Logan thought he was ready to face the world; he thought he was ready to move all from all the pain Carmen and MJ caused him, but the stares he received when he stepped into his office that morning, bought all the pain back.

It had only been two days since Antonina took him in and almost a week since the engagement party; he thought people would have forgotten by now, but to no avail. The pitiful looks he received, were too much.

He wished he would have listened to Antonina earlier this morning when she pleaded with him to take his time, she was so persistent on him staying at home, but he had had enough of her. Antonina was acting strange lately, she would suddenly lose it and start blurting out strange things or call him Miguel Angel, but then she would wake up not remembering anything later.

Logan wanted to return to his place already, but she had gone as far as giving him a spare key to her house. The only way to avoid her and try to forget his own problems was to go to work, but that also proved to be hellish, especially since everyone thought that Carmen had a miscarriage.

Lunchtime came with a train. By then, Logan was tired of hiding in his office. Rumours about the party had already spread. He thought that they would have forgotten about it by the time he came back, but to no avail. He was about to leave his office when there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” He said, but regretted his decision as soon as he saw who it was. “Miss Van der Merwe.” He sighed.

“Oh, Logan! Quit with the formalities; we have known each other for a long time now.” She waved it off and pulled a chair from his desk; sitting down opposite him without his consent.

“What brings you here?” He asked flatly.

“Well, I’ll cut straight to the chase.” She chuckled and looked him in the eyes. “I want a story.” She said and placed a recorder on the desk. Logan looked at her, managing to keep his face straight. “A little birdie told me that something interesting happened at the engagement party on Saturday.” She said in a singsong voice, and Logan stiffened.

“Get out of my office.” Logan said quietly, anger lacing through his voice, but Sasha just smirked in response.

“Rumour has it that Miss Du Preez fooled you; she had you eating out of her hand, she-”

Before she could even get a chance to finish, Logan was standing in front of her, gripping her hands against the armrests. “I’ve been very lenient with you, Miss Van der Merwe.” He said coldly. “Just because I haven’t gotten you fired yet, doesn’t mean I can’t. Don’t try me, Sasha; I could get you fired without lifting a finger, and this time I’ll make sure that you never work in media again.” He said deadly and pressed her hands tightly against the chair, causing her to yelp.

“Logan.” Jorge pulled him back. “She’s not worth it.” He patted his back. “Get the hell out of here.” He said boringly to Sasha who stood up as if nothing happened. She picked up her handbag and walked towards the door. She turned around and looked at Jorge before she averted her gaze to Logan, and said the most brutal thing Logan had ever heard.

“My sincere condolences for your loss.”

Logan closed his eyes and pressed his lips together in a thin line. “Don’t mind her, LJ; she’s just trying to get to you.” Jorge pushed him towards the couch. “Man, you don’t look so good; did you bite on anything today?” He asked.

“I am not hungry.” Logan grumbled, his stomach playing along.

“Exactly my thought.” Jorge sighed and took out his phone. He dialled a number and pressed the phone to his ear. “Natasha, could you please jog to La Café and buy us some lunch?” He asked. “Okay, thanks.” He said and hung up, plopping down on the couch. “Lunch is on the way.” He mumbled.

“Great.” Logan said sarcastically with his head laid back and his eyes closed.

Jorge also laid back and looked at his friend. For the first time ever, he did not know what to say to him. “Look, Logan, I’m so sorry about everything that’s happened.” He said quietly. “I know I’ve been a shit of a friend to you for the past few days, and I’m sorry. I did not give you a chance to explain, instead, I attacked you and humiliated you in public. I should have known better than that…” He said quietly.

“I am sorry too.” Logan said and tilted his head so that he was facing him. “I’m sorry that I did not tell you about it all, although it was not real. I’m sorry about everything. I guess I was caught up in this May issue that I forgot to tell you about my own issues.” He said. “Please forgive me, Nathaniel.” He half-smiled.

“Only if you forgive me, Jason.” Jorge smirked and hugged Logan.

“I love you, man.” Logan said and hugged him tightly.

“I know, man, I love me too.” Jorge replied cockily and laughed about it.

Logan groaned and pulled away, a smile on his face. “I hate you.”

“Come on, you know I love you.” Jorge slapped him on the head. Someone cleared their throat, and the two looked at the sound source. “Oh, Natasha, you are here?” Jorge asked and placed his arm around Logan.

“Uhm…here’s your lunch.” She cleared her throat awkwardly and placed the food on the table. She walked out of the office, but then she came back a few seconds later, looking nervous. “Uhm…Mr Billings?” She called while fiddling with her fingers.

“Yes?” Jorge answered, taking his hand off Logan’s shoulder.

“Logan, can I speak freely?” She asked with all the courage she could muster. Logan gestured for her to continue. “Jorge, I don’t think Sonya is handling the whole May issue very well; she seems to be very angry today.” She said and walked out of the office before any of them could react.

“Something else must be bothering her.” Jorge said, his voice filled with worry.

As if he was not guilty enough, Logan felt even guiltier than before, remembering their earlier argument. “Jorge, there’s something I have to tell you.” He said nervously.

“Whatever it is, it’s gonna have to wait until later.” Jorge sighed and stood up from the couch. “I have to go.” He stretched his arms and yawned.

“But what about lunch?” Logan asked, trying not to sound desperate.

“Baby, I had a bad time searching for you; I need my sleep, otherwise I won’t have such a great week.” Jorge said walking towards the desk. He opened the brown bag and took out his lunch, and walked back to Logan. He held his chin up and stared into his eyes. “You know where to find me when you need me. Just make sure you eat; you are gonna need the energy, okay?” He said seductively.

Logan just looked at him, dumbfounded. “Jorge, now that I think about it; I think you should go.” Logan sighed and tried to look away from Jorge, but Jorge held him in place. “Jorge, I don’t have time for your games.” He warned, but Jorge only trailed his fingers along his jaw, a smirk plastered on his face.

He knew Logan was weak from lack of food; he could not even lift up his finger. “I love you, baby.” Jorge said and planted a kiss on Logan’s lips before he ran out of the office. Logan groaned and wiped his lips.

Jorge went to the ground floor and passed by the reception desk, dropping the lunch in front of Natalia. “Could you please give this to Sonya? Thank you, Natasha, you are a God sent.” He said hurriedly and walked towards the entrance.

“Natalia!” Natalia shouted.

“Same difference!” He shouted back, causing her to grumble incoherent words.

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