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"I don't think that woman likes me." Logan wondered as his eyes skimmed across the huge hall.

The memorial service was held at one of the biggest halls in London, and the place was already piling up with people. The place was packed with mainly businessmen and women from all around the world, board members from all Billings Corporations branches, workers, family members, and friends.

Logan watched as Sandra and Olufe welcomed people at the entrance. His eyes kept shifting to the door, expecting to see MJ.

"Do you think she's going to show up?" Antonina asked, noticing the strained look on his face.

Logan sighed. "I hope she comes."

At the entrance, every "sorry for your loss", "our sincered condolences", and "He was a good man"; felt like a cold blow to Sandra Cooper. Minute by minute, it felt difficult to stand there and not lose herself in her grief.

"Iya." Olufe called, grabbing hold of her shaking hand. "Take a seat, I'll handle things here myself." He said quietly.

"I'm fine." She muttered, her ashened face belying her words. Olufe just stood there and stared at her, his heart soaring at her sadness.

"Mrs Cooper. Olufe." Sandra tensed at the sound of his voice, without intending to. Jorge stood there with all his composure, the remorse in his eyes making her want to curse him. Her blood felt hot in her veins as she held herself from yelling at him. "I'm sorry for your loss." He said and walked past them into the hall.

Olufe moved quickly and held his mother back before she could lung at him. "Mama, not here. Not here, please." This time, Sandra did not hold herself back; she let her tears fall.

"It is his fault." She said, trying to wriggle out of his hold. Olufe guided her out into the parking lot before she could attract attention to herself. He took her to a random spot since it was packed with cars. "He should have been the one to die, not my Alastair. This is all Jorge Billings' fault." She seethed, balling her fists on her sides, her teeth clenching as her nails dug into her palms. "He should have given them that money, he should have warned MJ and the workers of the bank to expect me; if he had done that, none of these would have happened." She cried, and Olufe pulled her into a hug.

It took a while for him to calm her down before they went back inside, where the service had already started. They sat in the front row which was reserved for close family members and friends.

The casket was displayed in the front, on the podium. It was big and had a unique grey colour, and it was, without doubt, expensive. The effort people put in order to give a person, a dignified funeral; if it was possible, they would actually pay to bring them back from the dead if they could.

White flowers littered around the casket, and a framed picture of Alastair's stood on the side, his eyes looking very much alight and alive. The pastor preached, and many people stood and spoke about what kind of a man Alastair Cooper was.

When it was time for Sandra to speak, she only managed to mutter three words before she broke down. "I love you." She had said. Olufe helped her off the podium.

The program director asked if there was anyone else who wanted to add something about the deceased, and a hush silence followed, Sandra's cries the only sound filling out the silence.

"Alastair always said to me that whenever something was wrong, I should look up at the sky and make a wish to the stars." All heads turned towards the entrance, where a woman stood in a long, low neck, black dress; and a black headscarf wrapped around her injured head.

"What is she doing here?" Sandra whispered, her heart dropping to her stomach.

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