Same Old Life

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For a while now, it was bugging him. It baffled him how someone could be all nice and welcoming one minute, and full of hatred the next day.

It bothered him all night, and he did not sleep a wink thinking about what Sne said at the hospital.

Sure, Logan and Kyle did not particularly like each other, but the bad blood between them did not require to be spilled. Logan had no idea how he ended up being accused of attempted murder.

At first, he thought it was only a coincidence, but then he remembered what had led to him not trusting anyone with his food, especially people who were close to him, they were the ones he trusted the least.

It did not make sense why Sne was there at the right time and then offered to get his order for him, it was too much of a coincidence.

He ordered the same coffee for both him and Antonina and did not make any special requests.

If he had made his order over the phone and then sent someone to collect, then it would have made perfect sense for them to write his name on the coffee to make things easier when he came to collect.

But that was not the case.

Sne took care of his order personally, and the next thing her husband ended up in hospital from poisoning.

Kyle took Logan's coffee that morning, Logan refused to believe that Kyle took a bullet for him, but it was something he could not ignore, he had to get to the bottom of things.

He stood outside Kyle's apartment for the longest time, he was even deliberating on leaving, trying to convince himself that he was better off not knowing the truth. However, it bugged him knowing that there was a possible attempt on his life.

"You are not going to get answers by standing there, you know." A voice came from the intercom.

Logan could not help but laugh. This idiot discharged himself from the hospital, he did not even spend a day there; hospitals were never his favourite to be.

"Are you really alive, Kyle? Or do they accept idiots in the afterlife?" He asked, amused.

"Funny you should say that, this should have been you."

Logan rolled his eyes, he would never hear the end of this. "Stop whining and let me in." The intercom buzzed and the gate opened. Logan checked his car one last time before entering the complex.

He had not been here in a long time, he had even forgotten this place existed, it was the perfect reminder of the kind of life Kyle lived before tying himself to the Khumalos.

It was a single studio apartment located above a garage, pool area, and gym. The upper layer consisted of a bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and sitting room, with the bathroom located in a separate room.

"Still looks the same, huh?" Kyle asked, his eyes wandering around the familiar place.

Logan nodded and got a chair from the sitting room, last thing he needed was to be squeezed on the couch with Kyle, being in the same room as him was suffocating enough as it was. "I see you are preparing for the single life again," he commented, placing his chair in front of Kyle, blocking him the TV.

Kyle sighed and placed the remote aside. "Sne moved back to her place, that house was too big for me to stay there alone. Besides, it's going to be sold after the divorce settlement." He fixed the continental pillow behind him so that he could sit more comfortably. "What brings you here, Logan? Did you find out that your former bestie was dying and decided to come and declared your undying love?" He mocked.

Not in a million years, Logan thought. "I think you know exactly why I'm here. Was the coffee any good, Kyle?"

Kyle clenched his teeth. "You wouldn't be here if it was." Logan nodded and rolled up his sleeves. "Would you like something to drink?"

He lifted a questioning eyebrow at him and laughed. Had this fool not learnt anything? "A drink? How can I be sure that your wife didn't leave some of that poison in here?"

Kyle flinched, looking away from Logan. He looked a little pale compared to the last time Logan saw him, and he was not even fully recovered because his stubborn ass could not stay in the hospital for a day.

Logan gulped thinking about how if things had played differently, he would have been the one in that position. A part of him felt guilty, but he was relieved. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Kyle rolled his eyes and fiddled with the TV remote. "You don't have to worry, she hasn't been here in years. If you must know, she is not particularly happy about my decision to discharge myself."

Logan scoffed. "Either way, no thanks, I'm good."

"Are we ever gonna get to the fact that I drank the poison that was meant for you?"

"You mean the fact that someone wanted to kill me?"

"Except, you did not even try to die."

"What do you want me to do, thank you?"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"Honey, do I look like The Joker to you?"

"No," Kyle growled. "Right now you look like the prick you are, and I just wanna punch your fucking teeth in!"

"Boy, don't make me send you back to the stink hole you just crawled out from," Logan said in a low tone, his entire attitude changing.

"Logan, what exactly do you want from me?"

That was a very good question, what was he doing here? Kyle was not the one he was supposed to be confronting, he was also a victim here. Logan knew that if he was to confront Sne, he would not do it the easy way.

He scratched his head and puffed out. "Is that drink still on the table?" He asked. Kyle rolled his eyes back and pointed towards the kitchen.

Logan stood up and went to the room, coming back with one bottle of still water and one beer, he handed the water to Kyle before returning to his seat.

He opened the beer and took a long sip, his nerves relaxing as the beverage coursed through his system. "Look, if I knew any of this was going to happen, I would have done everything in my power to stop it. My order was taking too long, and she offered to sort it out. I didn't think anything of it, I even thought her labelling my coffee was a kind gesture or something. There was nothing strange about her that day," he said truthfully.

"I don't think she meant for any of this to happen. I mean, you know Sne, we all went to school together. She would never hurt you without a reason," Kyle said desperately.

Logan knew that already, but it did not change the fact that she wanted to kill him. "Someone's out to get me, and I need you to find out who it is."

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