Laws of Attraction

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How was it possible to be attracted to the same woman he dreamt of destroying?
For months now, he was fantasizing about how it would feel the day he would put an end to MJ Billings. Her name irked him, her existence angered him.
She was everywhere, every time, everyone was speaking about her, he felt as if she was erasing his footsteps.
His one dream was to finally put a face to the name, but he didn't get a closer look at Alastair Cooper's memorial service, nobody did.
And then when he met the mysterious woman at his place, he wanted to see her again; she had been stuck on his mind for days now, he could not stop thinking about her and he did not even know where to start looking for her when all he had was a beautiful face without a name.
He recalled her words the night she rocked up at his place and he asked her who she was, why didn't he get the hint then?
'If I spelled my name to every person who asked, I'd probably be dead by now.'
Dammit! He thought, his hand clenching around the walking stick. She told him her name, he just never listened.
What was she even doing in Ireland when her brother was shot a few hours ago?
He wobbled farther into the room and stood in front of the desk. "What was that woman doing here?" He asked the young man who was acting as if the last two minutes did not happen.
Junior rolled his eyes and said, "Don't pretend like you weren't imagining her plastered on your bed a few minutes ago." Javier pursed his lips, but did not say anything. "What are you still doing here? I thought you'd left for London already."
Javier sighed and plopped down on the chair, cursing himself for being so reckless. He was still in pain, his leg was numb for a few hours after the attack, but after that, he had to take painkillers, and they did not seem to be helping.
"I was, but then I wanted to make sure that everything was in place. Did she say anything about the deal?" He asked. Aaron shook his head and picked up a fancy lighter on the desk. "Are you a smoker now?"
The young man smiled and slipped the lighter in his shirt pocket. "No. It's a gift for my father." His eyes glinted dangerously as he said that. "About the deal, I've been trying to get hold of Jorge, but he is not answering."
Javier raised a questioning eyebrow. "You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?"
"Jorge is in hospital fighting for his life as we speak." He frowned, the young man was fidgety. Did he have something to do with the shooting, was that why that woman was here? He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at him. "Junior, when I said turn down the deal, I didn't mean take out Jorge Billings," he said quietly and leisurely as if he was speaking to a toddler.
Aaron Junior paled as he took in his partner's words. "You think I tried to kill him?" He shouted.
Javier leaned back in his seat and watched the young man with caution. "You've never liked him."
"Neither have you, but you don't see me standing here and accusing you of trying to kill him." That shut Javier up, if there was one person in the world with enough power to order a hit on someone, it had to be him, but after his last encounter with hitmen, he was not planning on traveling down that road anytime soon.
"Fine. Fine, but be careful of that woman though, she is not who she claims to be. Lord knows why she's not on her brother's bedside right now."
Aaron scoffed. "You are warning me? I'm not the one who was checking her out, Javier."
Javier grimaced, that much was true. He could not deny that she was beautiful and hot, he did not understand why she was hiding in the shadows.
It was as if she was running away from something, and he hoped he would get close enough to find out.
"You still haven't told me why she was here," he prompted, noticing how quick his partner in crime was quick to bury the subject.
Aaron groaned in frustration. Javier prayed that she did not come all this way to tell the young man about the information she dug out of him.
If that was the case, Aaron would stray away from their plans.
Aaron had a personal vendetta against his own father, Javier did not know much, but he guessed it had something to do with the boy's mother.
He was deliberately sabotaging his father's company, he exchanged building materials and replaced them with cheaper ones, knowing they wouldn't hold for too long.
Javier just loved Junior's spirit, at 21 he did not even care who he crossed to get things done, and he was willing to risk anything, including people's lives in order to get what he wanted.
Most people thought he was stupid, but Javier knew he was anything but.
"She just came to apologise for the way she handled things in the last meeting," Aaron said.
Javier sat up straight. "She came to apologise?"
Aaron shrugged. "Yeah, I think maybe she is trying to get me to take the deal."
"Did she say that?"
"No, not in many words. She just said she was going to help me rebuild my father's legacy."
Javier frowned, staring at his lap in wonder. "That's strange," he murmured. From their conversation, MJ Billings was planning to destroy Aaron McEnroe Senior, she hated him with passion.
She believed that he was behind Alastair Cooper's death.
However, Javier had told her everything about what Junior and him have been up to and what they had planned for the company.
They did not want to save it, they wanted to sabotage it to the brink until nothing of it was left.
She seemed fond of their strategy.
Now, why would she sell the idea of saving the company to the son?
Dammit! He thought, staring at the ceiling as if it held all the answers he needed.
He had to go back to London to fix things with his wife after he failed to show up for dinner with her family, and he also had to hunt down his sister since she had vanished into thin air.
In the past, he used to have someone follow her to keep an eye on her, but she was smart and always found a way to evade his men, until eventually she told him to stop having her followed.
He had thought about putting someone on her tail again, but he still needed to get more men for his own protection.
He would probably have to fly down to Mexico urgently, that was where most of his loyal troops were based, but he preferred having them running his business than following him like lost puppies.
"When are you leaving?" Aaron asked.
"You know, I like you better when you are pretending to hate me," Javier grumbled and pushed himself up from his seat.
"And I also like you better when you are not looking like you want to suck my dick."
They both cracked up, and Javier felt less anxious. "Oh, Junior!" He wiggled his index finger in the air as he limbed out of the office.
Of all people he could befriend, it had to be a 21-year-old Irish, cocky bastard. He smiled and shook his head, it was always a pleasure working with Aaron Junior, hopefully he wouldn't fall into the hands of the she-devil, because Javier was already trapped.
MJ Billings was going to be his ultimate downfall.

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