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"What is it that couldn't wait until later?" Logan asked, annoyed at David as he joined him at the reception.

Clearly Natalia had finally gotten the message about not letting anyone in his office in his absence.

David followed him to the elevator. "I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important," he said.

Logan did not say anything after that, they got into the elevator and arrived in his office. He walked around his desk and sat down while David settled on the chair opposite him.

"So, what's the issue? Your sister making more accusations?"

He was really not interested in getting entangled with the Botha's at the moment, between Zoe, Shannon, Lola, and David, he was getting tired of their drama.

David sighed, massaging his neck. "There's someone asking questions."

Logan raised a questioning eyebrow. "Who?" He asked.

"You've already met her."

"Ah!" He sat back and crossed his legs, twirling in his chair. "Who is she?"

By the look on David's face, they were well acquainted. "Her name is Samantha Grayson." Logan felt as if someone was crushing his bones the moment David's words hit his ears. "She's MJ Billings' former secretary."

He knew that, he remembered her name from that press conference MJ held earlier. But what was she doing here?

First it was the bodyguard, Jackson, and now this woman. Logan had no single doubt that MJ had nothing to do with their visits. They were both carving their own paths behind her back, and for some reason, they had taken a personal interest in him.

"Have you encountered her before?" He asked.

David nodded solemnly. "She's not to be taken lightly."

Logan scoffed. "What harm can a PA do?"

"She's deranged, she has a horrific record, Logan. I don't know how MJ could have worked with her all these years," David said, a horrified expression on his face. "That's not all."

Logan sighed and rolled his, what more could she do? "She's the one behind Kyle's poisoning."

He sat up abruptly, staring at David, hoping that he would say he was joking, but the big guy did not budge. To think that Logan was just discussing the accident with Kyle Davids about an hour ago, he never expected that the mastermind behind this was that woman.

She had tried to kill him before they met, and when her plan failed, she decided to show her face. Logan had completely underestimated her, he underestimated his killer.

"David, what are you saying?"

"MJ Billings' secretary wants you dead."

What was this about? He had never met her before, and he only knee about her from that press conference. "There's something else you need to know. That's the actual reason I called you," David said. Logan felt his heart drop to his stomach, he did not even want to ask what it was, he could feel it in his bones that it was more bad news.

"I got a call from Zoe earlier." Zoe and good news were not friends, it was definitely bad news. "She says MJ asked her to look for someone a few days ago, a street kid."

Logan sighed tiredly. "What has that got anything to do with me?"

"Remember that gig you gave me a few months ago?"

"You mean the job you passed on to one of your clowns?"

To answer his question, David took out a picture and showed it to him. "Take a careful look at that picture. Remember those street kids MJ was hanging out with?" Logan took the picture and stared at it for the longest, his heart tearing with every second. "Who do you see?" David asked.

"No," Logan breathed, shaking his head. "This can't be. How did this happen?"

David crossed his arms. "I was hoping you could tell me." Logan had no idea what was going on, what was his sister's child doing with MJ? Last time he checked, the boy was in a boarding school in the Eastern Cape. "The boys in the streets say that he was brought by his mother and that she paid them to look out for him."

Montana! Logan thought, staring at the picture in despair. "I told her not to interfere. Damn you, Montana Parker!" He growled, creasing the photo into a ball before throwing it across the room.

What the hell was it with his siblings doing shit behind his back?

This was nothing compared to what Cameron did, it was the ultimate betrayal, because not only had Montana betrayed him; MJ would think he betrayed her by having his nephew infiltrate her space under the guise of a street kid.

He picked his phone and dialled a number, Montana's face popping on the screen as the phone rang, going straight to voicemail.

All he could think was why did he not see this coming? Montana Parker was provocative, treacherous, cunning, and devious; of course she would do something like this!

"There's one thing I don't get though," David started, and Logan shut his eyes, knowing exactly what was about to come. "How did Montana know MJ was back?"

Logan grimaced, thinking about the conversation he had with Montana over the phone after MJ left his office the first time around. "That is not even the tip of the iceberg, David. How the hell does Montana know about MJ's past?" The grim look on David's face confirmed his suspicions. "Fuck you, David, fuck you!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the desk. "Do you have any idea what you have done?"

MJ was going to hate him for this, she would think that he was playing games with her. Logan should have been happy because MJ would believe that he had done a number on her as well after the stunt she pulled with Carmen, but he did not want that at all. He did not want to take credit for something he had nothing to do with.

It was not the first time Montana pulled a stunt like this, she had used her son as a mole in the past in order to get information on the streets, but he ordered her to stop. If she had him infiltrate MJ's place, he definitely got something on her.

If word got to MJ, all hell would break loose, and that was unavoidable. There was no way Zoe was going to withhold this information from her, if anything, Zoe wanted to see him suffer more than anyone, especially after Logan and Montana pulled a similar stunt on her a few years ago. This was how Logan got the information that nearly ruined Zoe Botha's career.

"I can ask Zoe to keep this to herself for a day or two, but we both know she won't keep it to herself forever," David offered. Logan nodded wordlessly. "I'll see you later then," David said before he left.

Logan groaned loudly, running his hands down his face. He could not believe this happened right under his nose and he did not see it.

He wished he had not called Montana when he saw MJ, but he was frustrated with her return and the false identify. He had specifically told her that he would take care of everything himself, and she went as far as advising him to play along in order to see what she really got up to. She swore that she was not going to get involved! How stupid of him to have believed her, now he was forced to come face to face with MJ and tell her the truth before she heard it from Zoe.

If that woman told him he was cursed again, he would believe her, because there was no other way to describe the madness his life had become.

His family would be the death of him if MJ Billings and her crazy secretary did not kill him first.

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