Home Sweet Home Pt.3

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Stepping into Antonina's house felt like a fresh start for Logan. It was not just a small house with old and cheap furniture or worn out paint, broken basin, or a small kitchen.

It was his home.

Home. He never thought he would ever say that word before. His house was not home; it was just a house filled with material things. It did not give him the peaceful feeling he had right now.

"Home sweet home," he said finally and plopped down on the couch, the weight of his trip and emotional turmoil from earlier, finally resting on his shoulders.

"Don't you think you should probably take a shower before relaxing? You've been travelling for hours, now you are covered in sweat from all that exercising you were doing," Ants complained and dropped her things on the floor.

Logan laughed at her last comment. "Exercising?" He joked.

"Don't patronise me, boy, go and take a shower!" He smiled so much, his cheeks even hurt from the action, he felt like a small child again.

He got up and went to shower after she dragged him off the couch, so that she could clean up. By the time he finished bathing, she was busy dusting in the dining room.

"Need some help?" He asked.

"If you want to help me, you can start by taking your luggage to your room." She pointed at the luggage he left next to the door. "And load off the rest of the stuff you left in your car. I don't get it, how old are you?"

Logan smiled at her and shook his head. "If it really matters to you, I'm turning 33 in October." He said before he grabbed his luggage from the entrance.

He went to the spare room she gave him and started packing his things. The room was smaller compared to his room back home, there was only a queen-size bed with a headboard, a double door brown wardrobe, and a mirror stand. There was little to no space left, but he was not complaining.

After he finished packing, Antonina came to his room. "Hey," she greeted, standing outside his door.

"Hey, you done cleaning?" He asked.

She nodded and looked at his knuckles. "Thought you might want to take care of that."

"Oh, this? Don't worry about it, it's not the first time; it's gonna heal soon." She gave him a look, and he sighed. "Fine, I'll get the first aid kit from the..."

"Dining room."

"Dining room." He said mischievously as he walked past her.

She followed him into the room and then started patching up his hands. "You need to apologise to Thuso, it was not his fault."

"I know," he admitted. "But I also know that he'd rather get even before ever considering to forgive me."

"You are scared of him."

He nodded. "That is the last person in this world, you want to lay your hands on."

"I knew it!" She exclaimed.

"Knew what?"

"I knew he was a gangster, that man has danger written all over his face." She said, referring to his scar.

She had no idea. If he was to tell her how Thuso got that scar, she would go running for the hills, Thuso was the most dangerous man in Cape Town. He did the dirty and dangerous work in the background, and Logan took the credit.

"Then you will understand why I fear for my life right now," he said dreadfully. "I should get some rest; I have a lot to do tomorrow."

He went to his room, and Antonina watched him with a worried look on her face.

Perhaps she could find a way to help him out since they are going to see a lot of each other. She knew for sure Thuso was going to come after Logan, he was not exactly the type of man who listened; after all, there's only so many times his wife can fall down the stairs in a single storey house.

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