Stranger Feelings

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Every time he had a run-in with Logan Parker, their conversations always left him feeling bitter.
Kyle could not believe that Logan was still holding a grudge from many years ago, even Jorge had long forgotten about it and he was civil every time they spoke.
He had messed up when he fell for Sonya and he owned up to it, but he knew that Logan's grudge was not even about that, their rivalry was much bigger than that.
They had secret ties that almost killed them all, and Kyle was being crucified for doing the right thing.
Jorge Billings and Logan Parker liked walking around acting righteous, but Kyle knew they were anything but, he knew their darkest and deepest secrets, and that is one thing that bound him to them.
Kyle was reckless, that had always been his trait, that was why he was known to be notorious; he was the devil of the trio.
However, Logan's temper was his worst  fault, all three of them knew it; he was quick to lose his cool and he solved most of his problems with fists.
Jorge was by far the weakest link in the chain, he always cracked under pressure and he was easy to push around, that was probably why Logan always kept him by his side.
Sometimes Kyle wished he could turn back the hand of time to when they were all friends and inseparable, they were a tight pack and were indestructible.
They had some really good times, and they could have fixed things if Logan was not hell-bent on destroying him; it was as if he was obsessed with Kyle, he found every chance to mess with him. Kyle would never admit it to anyone, but sometimes he enjoyed the games they played, provided Logan did not go too far.
However, that was Logan Parker's speciality, he always went too far. He was the pettiest person Kyle ever knew, and quite often, he had no limitations; he aimed at what hurt the most.
Kyle had no doubt that Logan had something to do with Jorge's shooting, of course he did not pull the trigger, but he definitely had a hand in it. His face said it all, he did not seem quite surprised that his bestie was in hospital, but the panic in his eyes said that he knew something.
He was probably getting back at Jorge for deceiving him with his sister, but in doing so, he dragged everyone into his mess.
"Damn you, Parker!" He cussed lowly while staring out his car window.
He thought about all the mess he was in right now, Jorge's shooting was definitely going to delay the divorce proceedings; he did not want to spend another day with the two families under the same roof, but at the same time he had to save the business, they had to convince their parents that staying merged was what was best for business, and Jorge was the only one who could do that.
All he wanted to do now was rest, his parents had been calling him since the meeting yesterday, but he was not in the mood to speak to them as yet, especially after what his mother said about Sne.
He wanted to solve this without any conflict, but their parents thought they were always right, and that only brought more tension.
Sne was not answering his calls, and he did not blame her.  They were supposed to be in this together, but it seemed like she was taking all the jabs.
When he left the hospital, he drove straight to her house and parked outside the gate since he did not have a key.
He groaned and leaned back against his seat, maybe it was from exhaustion, but he was feeling really weird. He gulped down the rest of the coffee he took from Logan, hoping it would make him feel better, but it seemed to make things worse.
He was burning up, his body was sweating like a waterfall, he was finding it hard to breathe, and his throat felt like it was drying up.
He stepped out of the vehicle and staggered to the gate, and then he pressed the intercom.
"Yes?" Sne's commanding voice resounded from the speaker.
"Sne," he said weakly. "It's me, Kyle."
"I know, what do you want?"
He pressed his head against the speaker and sucked in a deep breath. "Look." He gulped, his head in a frenzy. "I know you are angry and probably hurt, and I'm sorry. I just want to... To talk."
"You wasted your time by coming here, Kyle. I–"
Her voice was cut off by the arrival of her help. "Mr Davids, are you okay?" The old woman asked.
By now, he was leaning against the wall for strength. His legs were numb and jelly.
His eyes were blurry and he started seeing black spots, he tried to open his mouth to speak, but could not.
Everything spun around, and the last thing he heard before hitting the ground face-first was the woman calling for his wife.

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