Chapter 3

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POV. Drago

When I looked at the clock, I saw it was morning also too early making me get out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and I shaved my beard a little letting it be in the style I wanted. I put my hair in my style and washed my face. I l walked to the kitchen to make myself some food. My breakfast consisted of coffee with toast, bacon and eggs. When I ate my food, I brushed my teeth and started to grab my clothes. I grabbed a white blouse with black pants with a belt and Nikes. I walked to the class of Port Today I would see how you could teach a class. It was the first day for the students to have class and I would give them mine Tomorrow. I was going to look and see how it would be.

POV. Team Rwby

Weiss's eyes flutter open and she stretches her arms above herself, yawning, while Ruby, dressed in her strangely-coloured school uniform, creeps up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off the bed.

Ruby: Good morning, team RWBY!

Weiss falls off the bed and looks at Ruby

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: Excuse me?

Yang is holding a collection of objects pillows, pamphlets, a candle-holder in her arms, also dressed alongside Blake Belladonna.

Yang: Decorating!

Weiss: What?!

Blake lifts her suitcase and it opens and everything in it falls out

Blake: We still have to unpack. Aaaand clean.

Weiss does not look enthusiastic, especially when Ruby knocks her back again with the blow of her whistle.

Ruby: Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! Banzai!

Ruby, Blake and Yang: Banzai!

Yang places a poster of six guys in various poses named "THE ACHIEVE MEN" on her part of the room. Weiss positions the painting of the Forever Fall forest to perfection and walks away. Blake is busy putting away her books on the shelves, picking up a copy of Ninjas of Love and widening her eyes as she warily looks around before putting it back. Ruby positions Crescent Rose at an exact angle against the curtains so she can perfectly slash a diagonal portion off. A quick zoom around the room it ends with the girls admiring their handiwork... with one problem. The beds are cramped together in the centre of the floor.

Weiss: This isn't going to work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped.

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff.

Ruby: Or we could ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!

Weiss: Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang: And super-awesome!

Blake: "It does seem efficient."

Weiss: Well, we should put it to a vote!

Ruby: I think we just did.

To the sounds of two dings and a single buzz, Blake thumbs up the idea, Yang makes a double-rocker gesture, and Weiss angrily curls her fists at her side. Decided, they rush at the beds, where sounds of jackhammering and sawing are heard until they gather back at the front of the room.

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