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"So why are we going shopping?" Virgil asked as he cowered under the bell that told everything they had just entered the store. Roman chuckled as he took Virgil's hand and started leading him to the back.

"We're just getting a few things of clothes. We can't take much with us and the clothes we have either need to be washed or in my case..." Roman frowned as he picked at a hole his shirt had and frowned. "... thrown out. I should've have grabbed some more when we were on the mainland but... I wasn't thinking."

"You seem to be doing a lot of that lately." Roman rolled his eyes playfully as he nudged Virgil a tad. "Do you live in that hotel room? I forget to ask you before."

"Well, yeah. I kinda do." Virgil froze up as Roman just smiled. "I'm an adventure. A hero to the people... A prince... or at least I want to be. I'm never home so... there's no real point in having one."

"You don't have a home?"

"No... I do not have a proper home." Roman smiled softly as he spotted a nice white shirt and walked over to it. "And unlike other gods, I took pride in my art and influence as a muse." Virgil's eyes widened as Roman just shrugged. "Meaning that no one knew I existed, I don't have any shrine or place dedicated to me."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm a muse, Virgil." Roman's fingers brushed the light fabric before sighing as looking back at the other, who was in shock. "I'm a god of creativity, dreams, and the arts. Maybe even a bit of a... of romance." Roman help of to fingers to signify a small bit before laughing. "But I don't do it for praise or recognition. I was a god that wanted to see others shine. I preferred creating and being a muse than... to be someone like Zeus and his flashy lightning bolts... or Loki with his fire. My fire... My fire is meant to spark creation in others. That's all."

"Roman..." Virgil frowned as he watched Roman walk off again, making him have to run to catch up. "Are you seriously telling me you don't have a single place to call your own?"

"Yep. Ooh, this is nice." Roman laughed as he gestured towards a red shirt with a glossy black fire emblem. "Too bad it's not what we're looking for right now. Darn... It fits me too."

"ROMAN!" Virgil yelled out as he grabbed the other's arm making the two freeze up. Roman just smiled sadly as he ruffled Virgil's hair.

"Don't be so upset, Virge. This is what I wanted. I didn't want people to say 'Roman gave me the best idea.' I wanted them to take pride in what they could accomplish. I wanted them to feel like they were creative enough to think of it and to create it themself. I wanted to not only spark creativity but... pride. Pride in oneself... and euphoria in the art of creating from the heart." Virgil's hand slowly dropped as he melted under the soft and heartfelt expression Roman had as he spoke. "I wanted people to love what they were able to create... not me because I was what pushed them."

"From what I heard from Thomas growing up... not many gods share your sentiment." Roman just laughed as he shrugged.

"I've never been one to force someone to love me. I never wanted someone to feel obligated to me. I just... liked being there for others. That's why I want to be a prince so badly. If I'm going to stuck here... I want to be spending my time helping the human's that I've grown so attached to. They're like... my children, Virgil. Every artist, actor, dancer... singer... there all like my children. They all hold a small bit of who I am inside of them. They all call on me when they create, even if they don't know it. I'd rather they not know it... because the pure joy I see when they are doing what they love means everything."

"But... Being like that... get's you here." Virgil frowned as he followed Roman further back through the store. "No home... no place to call your own... no allies to help should anything happen."

"I have allies."

"You know what I mean." Roman frowned as Virgil's eyes darkened. "Even Thomas has followers who support him. Zeus and Loki, as you used for example before... they do too. Moai has followers too. All gods do somewhere and somehow. But... not you."

"I did. I had followers... a very long time again." Roman stopped as he stared off in some faraway place. "Virgil... Gods can't physically have children. There is no higher up than us so... How do you think Gods are created?" 

"I don't... I don't know. I never thought about that." Roman smiled as he held his hand out creating small fiery dancers. Roman's eyes lit up at the sight of the two. The male held the female close as they twirled around the air to an unknown song. 

"The answer is... they aren't 'created'. They ascend." The tiny dancers danced around Virgil catching his eyes and making him smile. "God's are just people who ascended. I... Well, my brother and I both ascended after we started to share our idea with everyone. We made people happy and laugh. Even Remus, who's ideas weren't as... light-hearted as mine. I remember, this couple... I had brought dance to this small town. It was a very sad town. I just wanted to help. I taught them how to dance and they taught others who laughed and smiled and just... felt joy over the shows they would all put on. I remember being in the crowd and being so happy until... Someone asked where they learned it. As dance wasn't something known, people were honestly curious. I had asked them not to say anything and I got scared because people started to get very pushy..."

"What happened?"

"They said a god taught them." Virgil's eyes lit up as Roman just laughed. "I wasn't. At the time, I was just this... very broke traveler but... The both wholeheartedly looked out into the crowd and told them a god graced their presence and taught them a way to bring smiles to people who were in desperate need of them. I remember them finding me in the crowd and just lighting up with such joy. 'A God.' They said... and then... I found myself up there."

"Up there?" Roman nodded as he took Virgil's hand again. "You mean... Your home?"

"Yep. I was up there with the rest of the gods. None of us really remember much of our past life. Somethings here and there... I remembered that and my brother, but that's it. That's all I remember of then. Part of me wishes I remembered more. Maybe then I wouldn't have been so... naive about the world down here. I just didn't remember it." Roman just shook his head as he took a breath.  "The point of the story is... Virgil, God's are created by people believing in us. We are created by the actions we take and the support of those we help. However, I never wanted my name to be uttered as a reason for other's creations. I guess that makes me a pretty silly god but... Even back then, before I even became on, I wanted others to take joy in what they could do... not thank me for it."

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